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Bards Corner.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:28 pm
by Bear
Edit: Edited title to show its all creative writing!

Well we've a section to show off our drawing skills, a section to display our nerdiness and a section to exploit our sexual prowess. All we need now is this, a section to show off our creative writing skills!

Feel free to post and share your creative writing and poetry here and comment on others work.

To start us all off, heres some of my own work. I'll post more later, but I'll warn you now some of it can be a little 'dark' in tone...

No Poet
I'm no poet and I know it.
No heart do I express,
as my words too far digress.
My thoughts do seem to mumble,
I know no word for the jumble.
I find no reason for a rhyme,
just to end a line.
Trained I am not, taught not a thought.
All I have here are simple words it is clear.
No poet am I, why believe this lie.

Primal we are born. A soul forge from needs.
Hewn from natures stone, built by natures dreams,
Driven by the fire, heart beating from its flame.
clockwork is our mind, machine of divine design.
Digital becomes our soul, creator for visions schemes.
Constructed though we be, Primal we are born.

Hello Darkness my old friend. So you've come to mock me once again?
Staring out upon my world, looking through my windowed soul.
Your part of me I know. A part of me some say shouldn't be.
I love the light but you keep me dim, you my shadowed soul within.
Why do you always haunt me so? The name I chose you fits we know.
I give you life you don't keep me sane. The part of me I seek to gain.
So then Darkness my old friend, when will you be as kin again?

Why can't I dream?
What curse befalls a mind that wishes to fly?
What hand should stop this hand?
A hand that wishes to resculpt the world...

Centered in a void, a thousand worlds orbiting,
a pinpoint of light, in a dark sea of chaos.

Galaxies of trancedance fracturing form,
shaping a clay of binds.

Orb of origin sends mirrors to place upon the null vacum,
rends a tear unto the fabric of a page.

Tangled trails loose the message, cipher the image,
threads of thought dis-weave the tapastry they see.

The energies of the fire burn cold as the shell contains,
worlds inside wanting to break and touch those plains where forever treads...

Walk this Earth...
I walk this Earth,
I see angels falling,
Darkness calling our name...

Why do I walk this Earth?
See tears falling from soul windows.
For upon this earth,
I see the pain and sorrow,
The dark dawn tomorrow...

I see death and wrack,
With no turning back.
To chaos theres no border,
Just destruction of order...

I walk Earths grey roads,
A shadows no sheild,
But light will just yeild...

We don't walk alone,
Yet alone we all roam,
Grey paths leading away...

I walk this earth,
An angel in hand,
A demon brand...

Yet I walk this Earth.

Re: Poets Corner.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:59 pm
by midgetshrimp
Bear wrote:Hello Darkness my old friend
I must say, I chuckled a little when I saw this phrase. Good stuff. That without end rhyme sounded best though.

Let's see, what have we...

Ugh, relationship poetry... oh well, you guys get to see how I've bared my heart to none but me. Here goes:


I drove hundreds of miles just to see your face
To hug you, hold you, hear your voice
But hundreds of miles don't count anymore
At least, that's how it appears to be

I stood by your side and thought in me you'd trust
Watched you suffer, watched you cry, heard you laugh, loved your smile
For hours, days, months I kept apart
But so much time doesn't count anymore
And trust, loyalty, faith don't hold weight
At least, that's how it appears to be

We spent a night together, shared a moment
Watched the sun rise through the window panes
I was honest, you claimed to understand
But then my trust you broke, a sneaking bitch
A corner is not where I belong
And so moments don't count anymore
As fleeting things they are
And understanding means nothing
At least, that's how it appears to be

And you are the worst, I tried to love
Though never such a bond I planned to make
Yet patient I was, ever letting you in
Still you dragged me around, as many tears I've never cried
As for the pain you made me feel, not good enough
You forced to turn my back, and still you could not let me be
For years you disgusted me
I had to snap, again you made me
and since I haven't talked
Now patience doesn't count anymore
And my silence speaks louder than words
Though you still refuse to understand
And try to seek your retribution
At least, that's how it appears to be.

And how it appears is what I see. And that I see makes me believe. Unfortunately.

I don't remember writing this one, but by the looks of it I never finished:

I Want

When I see her standing with the breeze through her hair
I just want to be the one who’s with her standing there
When I see those eyes as they sparkle with life
I want to tell her that I need her but I can’t get it right
When I feel the cold fingers as they rest on my arm
I want to be the one to hold them just so they can be warm

And then this one. I don't know, I just started typing and kept doing short lines. It actually looks pretty cool. The name is supposed to be humorous (just add ", man" after it):


Deep inside
the crazy mind
of a man insane
within his brain
thoughts of fire
and desire
torching flame
stays the same
he knows all
within his head
pages black
words of red
faking fearing
lines are smearing
cross his wrist
below clenched fist
across his thigh
through his eye
he sees you
know what you do
you think him fake
is your mistake
to go away
right a wrong
screaming words
heard in song
choir singing
ears are ringing
tunnel vision
heart in fission
sees no more
hears no more
feels no more
wants no more

And this isn't a poem, but it is a writing piece. It's a background to a character I made for a MUD called Avendar: The Crucible of Legends. It's not great, because I just wrote it to get it over with (backgrounds are required by level 25 in that game) but it's still entertaining, I think:

Sapphar says, “How, may I ask, did it happen?”
Kchrugen grins, replying, “Well, a few years in tha arena’ll do it to ye.”

Several years prior…

“Oi, come on now. Ye kin do better’n that!” taunted Kchrugen. He knew he was pushing it. Taunting several hundred pounds of muscle and metal isn’t always the best idea. But he kept at it.

“Can’t ye go any faster? Yer not even makin’ it a fight! C’mon, show me what ye got!” Circling the inside of the arena, Kchrugen and his Alatharyan opponent jabbed and feinted, looking for an opening. Every so often, Kchrugen would get a poke or two through, but couldn’t land any decisive blows. The Alath circled, throwing in half-hearted swipes, taking whatever nicks landed. Getting a little frustrated, and more than a little anxious, Kchrugen broke the endless circle, retreating momentarily to change his weapons. He put down his spear and picked up his favored armament, the flail. Making sure his shield was secure, he strode back to the center of the arena.

“Arright big guy, let’s git this done right.” Even as Kchrugen finished the challenge, the Alatharya suddenly dove in, using his size and strength to break through Kchrugen’s defenses. But Kchrugen was ready. Swinging his shield down and across, he plowed the Alaths mace out wide. At the same moment, he swung the flail, gaining momentum as the Alatharyans shoulder past by. Shooting down, he landed a heavy blow on the Alaths shield arm. Roaring in pain, the Alatharyan twisted about to face Kchrugen. Arm limp by his side, he retreated to the weapons rack. Grabbing a large pike, the Alath made his way back into battle.

“Ey, now we gots tings goin’!” shouted Kchrugen. Keeping the flail’s momentum, he came for the Alath, attempting to rush past the reach of the pike. No such luck, as the Alatharyan easily used its strength to toss Kchrugen aside. Rolling with the blow, Kchrugen came back, pulling up just out of the Alaths reach. The Alath dove forward, attempting to skewer the Kankoran. Kchrugen wrapped the flail around the pike, and, gripping the handle tightly, yanked it from the Alatharyan. It came away easily; the Alath let it go. The unsuspected ease of the disarmament caught Kchrugen off guard, and he lost his grip on his weapon. The Alath plowed over the Kankoran, bashing him a good distance across the arena. Pulling out a dagger, the Alath took aim and let fly. Instinctively, Kchrugen raised his shield, but missed. The shard steel cut straight through the thumb, severing it cleanly. The shield fell from Kchrugen’s weakened grasp as he screamed in agony. Trying to stem the flow of blood, he retreated to the weapon rack. Quickly tearing off a strip of his shirt, he bound the injured hand. Grabbing a spear, he returned to the center of the arena. The Alatharya was waiting. Having regained his pike, he jabbed purposefully at the Kankoran, aiming high. Batting away each attempt with his spear, Kchrugen backpedalled, drawing the Alath away from the center of the arena. With a feint, he gained enough time to break away. Racing back to his flail, he tore another strip from his shirt and bound it to his bloody off hand.

Turning back, the Alath had closed the distance and thrust mightily at Kchrugen. Twisting painfully, the Kankoran avoided a direct blow, but the pike caught his eye, enough to tear off the lid. Half blind and bleeding from his several serious wounds, Kchrugen lost all sense of defense and charged the Alath. Leading with a jab of his spear, Kchrugen connected with the Alaths shoulder. Taken back by this sudden onslaught, the Alatharyan tried to retreat. But the spear was caught fast, and Kchruged followed through with a mighty blow with his flail. With a sickening crunch, the flail caught the side of the Alaths face, tearing free some features. Dazed from the blow, the Alath staggered back and tripped over Kchrugen’s shield. Still grasping his spear, Kchrugen fell with the Alath. As they landed, the impact jarred the spear loose, and Kchrugen was thrown from the giant. Staggering back to his feet, Kchrugen dropped his flail, and, taking what aim he could with his remaining eye, let fly the spear. It caught the semiconscious Alatharyan in the throat as it stubbornly attempted to regain its footing. Choking and vainly gasping for breath, the Alath fell to its knees. Walking to stand in front of his opponent, Kchrugen grasped the spear and pulled it free. Blood poured from the fatal wound, and the Alath fell, never to rise again. Thoroughly exhausted, Kchrugen slowly struggled to make his way out of the arena to see to his wounds.

… Kchrugen looks at Sapphar. He snickers softly. “Yea, It hurt.”

Re: Poets Corner.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:07 pm
by Peppercat
Very very melodical, Bear! You keep a nice rythm.
And rhyme! :D
I liked the imagery in Creation :)

I like to write, but it's mostly in Spanish.
Here's something recent, though.

*WARNING: 3am poetry :P*

The Heart of the Matter

A tear runs down your cheek as I arrive.
No, please, don't cry.
Much has happened since we last met,
but nothing has changed since.
These wounds are deep,
they still burn inside my chest,
but at least this pain makes me feel alive
unlike the vast emptyness I thought I'd feel
if ever would you hurt me like this.
But here we are.
I find myself in the middle of what I feared the most.
Here we are, facing each other;
here we are, a wide river of tears apart;
here we are, naked souls under the moonlight,
bleeding, scorched and frozen raw.
And even though I go through it
over and over again inside my head;
despite the anger and the sorrow,
despite treason and pain;
I've finally gotten to the heart of the matter
and I've come to realize
I didn't come here to leave you.
No, my heart may be shattered,
but if you've ever taught me anything,
I'll say, no, I didn't come here to leave you.

I've come here to forgive you.

Re: Poets Corner.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:32 pm
by Bear
Thanks for the compliments guys. I know my stuff can be a little disjointed at times, but heh.. thats how I like writing it. lol. Could probably call most of what I come up with haiku if I cared anything about structure.

Nice poems and writing too midget and Pepper. I hope more people add in some things soon.

*Adds a few more for good measure.*

I looking into the mirror and see,
Not a reflection, but a pale shade.
The thickness of a glass away.
Do we know what hides behind this shadow,
What lurks behind this scene.
Beneath a mask that relects what we want to see...

The Lady.
The lady of my dreams cannot be named,
She is only there when uncalled.
Worship her and she fails me,
Fail in my belief and still she's there.
Speak her name and she parts from me,
Hold her close she leaves me cold.
Always though she comes when most needed,
My life she changes just in time.

I choose not to think.
Why should I remember?
The memories bring too much pain.
Good times here turned to bad.
I choose not to think.
Rememberence brought hurt.
Bitter dreams forgotten seeds.
The hate of those old lies.
I choose not to think.
I push it from my mind.
It weighs upon my heavy heart.
Yet why should I forget?

Re: Poets Corner.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:07 am
by Don Alexander
Weeeeeeeeee!! :D :D :D

I had actually thought of opening a thread like this one...

More than ten years ago, me and two friends started a metal band - named Epyllion. As I am totally untalented when it comes to music and play no instrument, I became the vocalist and lyricist. Vocals also didn't work out that well, but lyrics - hmm!! That's one of the few things I have a bit of talent for.

Even after the band dis-, um, banded, I continued to write "poems" which were in some form or fashion meant to be song lyrics. I have about 100 of them, so this thread can go on for a long time if people like the material... ;)

But I haven't written anything in five years or so. My muse left me (that's to be taken 50% literally...)

Perhaps this thread will give me new inspiration?

Nice works, bear, midgetshrimp, peppercat (nice to know you are still around! :D )! My favorite right now: Deep, by midgetshrimp

My turn!

This first one is one of my last. The background is rather funny. A few semesters under me, at university (studying physics), there was a very beautiful (and extremely intelligent) girl who was, at least at that time, pretty gothic. I got to know her a bit, and to like her. One day, she made mention that all her friends were not physicists, because physicists were rather tedious and boring. I could not let this rest!! So I composed the following text (which became the first part of a Luciferian trilogy) for her, and handed it over with the comment that I was trying to show her that not ALL physicicsts are pale, boring nerds. We met - by chance - again a few hours later in town, she had read and was quite, well, I must say, flabbergasted. :lol: I do think it's one of my better efforts. So please welcome into the abysses of your souls...

Il Corruttore

Storm squalls surge And waves batter and break Against the cliffs of my soul As I stand gazing into the depths Feeling the pull, the tide That ripping and tearing That has so long Resounded in the back of my mind The spray, even up here Carries lonesome calls From far away countries From other battlefields The sky is ashen, gray The breeze is stiff and cold
A reflection of my heart, my self The air is like wine

I am in the Eden of the hurricane's eye I am the eyes of the basilisk I am the silence after the screams I am the smoke from the cannon's mouth

First 'mongst the Archangels Son of the morning Apollyon Abbadon Shaitan God

The first and foremost Without equals, without peers Second to none And none superior

Lord of All

Of all I lost and could not gain...

On a night for stealing souls When the clouds were dripping moonlight My footsteps barely brushed the sand Of the wave-lapped beach of Normandy

The screams still echo in my mind The souls removed before their time The seed once sown I back then reaped They're mine, yes, mine, all mine

A young god cast upon these shores Is in this night my choice of being Wind whispers through my long black hair And cooler for the passing

These haunts rejoice my cold-grown heart The flecks of rust and blood gleam bright Unhidden from my piercing eyes
Untrodden by my shining boots

Hearing what no man can hear Knowing what no man can know Piercing through the veils of time And lost in thoughts I chance upon... angel at the seaside

I halt, she halts She stays her hand

The moon peeks out behind the clouds A gleaming flash upon the blade Soon jostles with the glistening tears That her heart and soul pervade

Are you Death, she asks of me As her eyes take in my form No, only the Devil, I answer her As my eyes take in her form

She is nothing but a mere child A child of cold, stark beauty A marbled face, a work of art The artist is no one else than God


Is this a sign? From beyond, a sign for your lost son? From afar, a sign for your lost one?

Frost-covered peaks of my inner dominions Fall crumbling and shatter below The chasms yawn wide and tear open my soul As the demons rush forth through the snow

Of my inner voids Voids cleft by the fall Cast below, sent beneath Soon banished from the light

Still our gaze is held

She seems to peer, peer deep inside Inside my churning soul And so she reads, reads what's inside Within my burning soul

Ages seem to pass Until she speaks at last

Do you miss him, she inquires Your father? Your God?

Words cannot contain such moments

I simply cannot answer, but she reads it in my eyes As a single gleaming tear slides toward the sands below Frozen tear, chalice of fear, as somewhere a star dies And if but for a moment, ignites a universe of woe

I miss him too, she whispers My lover My God

Lucifer, at the final call We are nothing but the same

They say you are the Lightbringer And yet banished you now are Cast out, thrown away Into the shadows, away from the light

Away from warmth, away from life Away from all that matters Away from peace, away from love And love is all that matters

Love that tears my heart to shreds Love that lays my arms open Love that bleeds upon the sands That drank such blood before

The moon peeks out behind the clouds A gleaming flash upon the blade That cuts and carves and rends and tears And finally falls upon the sands

Still she holds my gaze And freezes me into place

The blood is the life And the life now rains down Her tears have finally dried And a smile comes from her lips

And what a smile, oh herald of the dawn And what a smile, this final swansong

It bursts, it blazes, it utterly destroys The ice that so long held my heart A captive of the thrown-shut gates And love as lava flows

Love that hasn't been allowed to flow Since my own father cast me below Love that once rushed through my veins When father still walked on Eden's plains

Time stops And time now turns eternal

And still with that ethereal smile She slowly sinks into repose I want to move, and move I do But with an aching agony Of slowness and without a doubt That she'll be dead when finally I reach her frail and fragile side To see the life fade from her eyes

And so it comes And so it is And so it shall forever be The love of God That burning fire Remains as just a memory

I gather up her lifeless form That slowly cools even as I mourn What might have been and what I've lost I'm still alive to pay the cost Eternal king but damned to be Caught in this moment, never free Place but a kiss upon her brow None of my arts, I must avow Could bring her back to love and life The peace and warmth gone through the knife

Made by God, unmade by God

I am too lost to scream I am too lost to hate I am too lost to cry Too lost to ever die

The clouds are gone, the moon has set The tide is red, the sand is wet The stars are cold, the world grows old When gods have lied and love has died

I gaze into the heavens Knowing that I am damned into all eternity

Finally knowing

That I am damned

Into all eternity

Father? Was this... A sign?

Mais, je ne sais rien. Rien. Jusque c'est trop tard pour moi. Trop tard...

(C) REDMAN 22. 10. 2002 - 25. 11. 2002

Re: Poets Corner.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:41 am
by Bear
Interesting lyrics Don. Bet it was a pretty good metal band despite not lasting long.

Re: Poets Corner.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:48 am
by midgetshrimp
I'm writing these from scratch. Let's see how many I get to do:

Ode to the Bear

Within his cave, keep to his own. Without his cave, wander the world.
Ever basking in all of Nature, it's in its nature to love such Nature.
Partakes of its forest with nary a thought, plodding along no issue at hand.
Peaceful itself, playful it wishes, only a-risen when forced on its heels.
Terrible height, though is all an act, like ever the Bear on its own would attack.
But be warned to those loving of this creature, for even in its good intent,
The Bear rarely knows of its power, and so must you tread carefully lest you wish it your end.

Ode to the Cat

Felinity, Selenity, Vivacity and Curiosity.
These be the Corners of the Cat.

Sleek and true, she sees through the aether that is your corporeal form.
And so studies your soul, to that which her desire is sated.
Such form it saunters from thee, leaving you wondering.
What within my being has been transformed?

Celestial in her being, has it really body, not only mind?
We can judge by the eyes, while else is hidden in shadow they gleam,
Boring into yours, until those but the meekest find madness in her gaze.
The starlight tells us naught of intent, defies our needs and taunts our senses.

Out from the shadow a streak of black she bolts.
A lightning flame that matches the embers withing her heart.
We know not all that which it touches, leaves not a rustle nor print.
Her energy never betrayed by bead of sweat or belabored breath, she bolts on.

She stops. What has she seen? What of this world captures her attention?
How could such mortal coils beleaguer her senses,
For that she endeavors to know, but never is it within her grasp.
The answer she shall never know, yet shall she continue, though in it her death can only be found.

Ode to He Who Shows Himself as Jupiter

The greatest of the planets...

Calm on the surface
Vicious on the surface
Storms break the surface
And bring us underneath.

His lower brethren pray...

Sand whips within
The wind stinging our minds
The noxious fumes of his flowing intellect
They keep us at bay though we yearn to share.

Follow his grace and witness the power...

His heart we cannot see
He has shown us
But his eyes see what we cannot
And so we remain blind to his sympathies.

Accept his gift of Rapture...

Better are we with
Better are we without
Within us we confuse
Yet open to him our bindings are.
Without thought
Without effort
Without want or need
He brings us from ourselves
And throws us to each other.

In his eyes, we feel his power. We feel his power. That is his power.

Re: Poets Corner.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:51 am
by Bear
Cool, I got my own ode :D . I need to fire my muses as I can hardly ever write on the fly like that anymore.

Re: Poets Corner.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:12 am
by aishabe
You guys are awesome.
I'll put some of my crappy poetry up here, if ya don't mind.
Explanation for this first one: when it gets to like... 2 AM, and I'm still up AIMing my best friend, I get hyper and write emo poetry. It doesn't make sense. But a friend told me it was the best poem they'd ever read. Sadddd, considering we're reading Macbeth and we've read Langston Hughes. I'm leaving it in the form of an aim conversation so that you can all get the... rawness. Rawr.
Brunett(1:18:10 AM): UHH
Brunett(1:18:52 AM): CLOUDS.
Brunett(1:18:58 AM): ANDDD
Brunett(1:19:50 AM): PAIN RESOUNDED
Brunett(1:19:53 AM): HOPE DISSIPATED.
Brunett(1:20:19 AM): THE ENEMY PROCEEDED
Brunett(1:20:51 AM): RAMPANT.
Brunett(1:20:57 AM): RAMPANTTT.....
Brunett(1:21:08 AM): BLOODSHED.
Brunett(1:21:26 AM): UH.
Brunett(1:22:17 AM): KNOWLEDGE WAS NO MORE
Brunett(1:22:18 AM): ONLY.

Sorry for that.
Now, for my next act...
Anyways, I wrote this the other day when I needed poems for a school assignment, was pissed at a bitch, and wanted to experiment with rhyme schemes. I'm especially proud of the first stanza.

You bother me, it seems, to no end.
I don’t consider you a friend.
I’m not quite sure you comprehend.
I hate you with a passion.

You have less friends than you believe.
It seems so fake, your joie de vivre.
Oh, what a tangled web we weave.
Your ‘tude is out of fashion.

When I walk past you in the hall,
You wave at me, but I don’t stall.
My fist, your face, it’s a close call.
Someday I WILL take action.

Two boxers circling in a ring,
You turn around, I take a swing.
Count one, two, three, the bell goes “Ding.”
I hope you learned a lesson.

And this last one was a complete joke, I wrote it last year for another English assignment and I needed lots of literary elements in there, so this is what you get.

Four floor store of departments,
The rooms pulsing with excitement as we run across the floor.
QUICK! Into the elevator, be careful with your fingers.
A big stampede, like cattle, at the automatic entrance;
Crossing the store to find a bag.
Hermes, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Coach, Gucci,
Racing for the right one, running into the melee.
Crossing the store to find a bag.
Stiletto puncture wounds, lipstick to the throat,
You may be sprinting to your death in a handbag rush hour.

I would put up other things, such as an HP One-shot fanfic I wrote, but this is a poetry thread.

Re: Poets Corner.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:17 am
by Don Alexander
aishabe wrote:Brunett(1:18:10 AM): UHH
Brunett(1:21:26 AM): UH.
OMG!!! :shock: Celtic Frost!!!!

Re: Poets Corner.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:22 am
by aishabe
Don Alexander wrote:
aishabe wrote:Brunett(1:18:10 AM): UHH
Brunett(1:21:26 AM): UH.
OMG!!! :shock: Celtic Frost!!!!
Question mark?

Swiss heavy metal band that broke up in 1993 but reformed in 2001?

Re: Poets Corner.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:33 am
by Don Alexander
aishabe wrote:
Don Alexander wrote: OMG!!! :shock: Celtic Frost!!!!
Question mark? Swiss heavy metal band that broke up in 1993 but reformed in 2001?
Exactly!! Five geek points. They very recently broke up again.

Anyhoo, Tom Warrior has this insta-classic "UHH!" that he coughs out in just about every CF song. It was pretty much their trademark.

I loved your handbag melee poem.

I will also state, in all sincerity, that you give me hope that today's teenagers aren't all going to be the downfall of the human race.

Re: Poets Corner.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:37 am
by Don Alexander
Bear wrote:Interesting lyrics Don. Bet it was a pretty good metal band despite not lasting long.
Well... Not really, no. We had no real direction when it came to style. Our Guitarist Maetthy one day wrote an assortment of absolute killer riffs, totally black metal (no wonder, he was tripping on Dissection's "Retribution - Storm of the Light's Bane"), razorsharp, like the winds of Norwegian winter... For a song named "March of the Tyrant" - the lyrics of this song still remain my absolute favoriute work of mine. Anyway... he never recorded those riffs... :evil: :evil: :evil:

Re: Poets Corner.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:51 am
by Bear
aishabe wrote:I would put up other things, such as an HP One-shot fanfic I wrote, but this is a poetry thread.
Well actually its a creative writing thread, so thats allowed.

Edit: And to show that I changed it to Bards Corner, to show all creative writing is allowed, just like the Great Bard, Mr Shakesphere.

Re: Poets Corner.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:12 am
by midgetshrimp
Don Alexander wrote:I will also state, in all sincerity, that you give me hope that today's teenagers aren't all going to be the downfall of the human race.
Hey. I'm still a teenager. STILL. I'm not 20 YET. I demand attention. :lol:

But yea, the "uhs" made the first poem, and the stiletto wounds and lipstick to the throat made the last one. The 'tude made the middle one. And you made them all. Ka-ching!

I don't know why I did that...