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Re: 10-03-15 Kiss one of my biggest crushes

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 4:10 am
by Schmorgluck
wiseguy, your headcanon is based entirely on the assumption that Ruby was a sex-avoider before the incident in which she saw a porn flick starring her sister. We have no indication of that.

My best theory is that she was maybe a late bloomer, she went to a party in her mid-teens, around a time she started getting a dinstinguishable sex drive, and some boys put on a porn flick. She was maybe a bit reluctant, but put up with it, and maybe felt some appeal for it at first, until she saw her sister and BAM! Her libido ended up durably crippled, among other things.

This is my headcanon, which can be discussed on many points. But any headcanon that assumes that Ruby never saw Amber in a porn movie is completely invalid and even downright nuts, because it's been explicitly stated in the comic.

Re: 10-03-15 Kiss one of my biggest crushes

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:12 am
by wiseguy
I never said she did not "see it"

I said it is possible that while seeing it, the boys talked about it

I just can't see a

"my sister is a porn star, so I MUST swear off sex" scenario(and nothing else)

but I can see the combination of knowing (AND SEEING IT) her sister is a porn star and the boys asking and trying to persuade Ruby to do "tricks"(I think most probably they knowing that Amber Amber is Amber Larose, but there is still a chance they never associated Amber Amber being Ruby's sister) to them as the cause of her hating of sex and mad at her sister for becoming a porn star

you say what you say as in "it is a fact" while I say what I say as most probable, not as 100% canon

Re: 10-03-15 Kiss one of my biggest crushes

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:07 am
by Spidrift
Schmorgluck wrote:My best theory is that she was maybe a late bloomer, she went to a party in her mid-teens, around a time she started getting a dinstinguishable sex drive, and some boys put on a porn flick. She was maybe a bit reluctant, but put up with it, and maybe felt some appeal for it at first, until she saw her sister and BAM! Her libido ended up durably crippled, among other things.
Given what's been said in the comic (plus Giz confirming that Ruby was around 14 when the party happened), this looks like more than headcanon to me. I can't imagine why anyone would think things were very different to that. The exact details of what happened at the party are unknown but irrelevant.

(Technically, I personally think that the incident at the party locked Ruby into a pre-adolescent state of mind. It crippled her development, and maybe caused a little regression. A slightly late-blooming 14 year old girl can just be starting to think about sex, and slowly admitting to herself that she kind of likes the idea, but if every time she closes her eyes and thinks "sex" she gets a vision of her own sister to a soundtrack of hooting adolescent boys, she'll soon get the wrong associations and get into the habit of not thinking about it.)

Re: 10-03-15 Kiss one of my biggest crushes

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:34 am
by wiseguy
if it was that, she would have never liked the six pack of Jerzy, nor would she have accepted going out with Andy (but I can see it as a way to distance herself from being involved but find it stimulating the watching boy boy sex)

I feel sure the boys wanted Ruby to be "nice to them"

Re: 10-03-15 Kiss one of my biggest crushes

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 10:45 pm
by Schmorgluck
Ruby's libido was crippled, not severed. She ends up struggling with contradictory impulses.

Re: 10-03-15 Kiss one of my biggest crushes

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 11:24 pm
by Spidrift
I'd say specifically that her development was blocked. She was just at the point where she could have been coming to terms with those feelings when she got badly squicked. So she stopped letting herself think about the subject, and stayed at the pre-adolescent "sex sounds yucky" stage. In principle, she could have got back on track later, as the memory faded - but by then, she was simply out of the habit of thinking about sex at all favourably. She'd sublimated her energies into work and study.

However, she's now finally begun to restart the process. It helps that she's discovered a form of eroticism that doesn't require her to think about female sexuality at all, because that's still associated with her sister being disgusting in her mind. But that won't work forever; she's eventually going to have to come to terms with the fact that she, a woman, likes the idea of sex. Which is going to be complicated, especially as it will probably involve her rebuilding her relationship with Amber, but at least she's started to find a way to approach the subject obliquely.