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Re: Q & A with HollyG

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:08 pm
by HollyG
laughingvulcan wrote:Hey, Holly!
First post here!

1. Are you going to delve into the backgrounds of our little group more? Show when they were changed and by who? (Aside from Imp and Fujiko)
I am curious about my current fave, Ms. Regina Sharp...err...Ms. Cleobatra. (What would her parents do if they met her NOW? Very religious types COULD view vampires as irredeemably evil...or her parents could be wrestling with those beliefs because they want to still love her...) :ymhug: :-* :((

It's in my head how they all were turned-so yes eventually I will draw it- and no her parents do not hate her or reject her- They love Cleo very much...CLUE: think about her name and my love for Anne Rice! ;)

2. I'm also curious to see if anyone, human or vampire, brings up to Anna Mia that doing the 'vampire thing' on the humans could be just as kind as veganism. I mean, she likely became Vegan because she didn't want to kill anything, right? If she drinks carefully, wouldn't it be the same thing? She's not killing the human... :-? Course, that doesn't mean she won't STILL be wrestling with herself...

LOL- ask any Vegan you know to lick a piece of meat...or drink a cup of fresh goat's blood (goat still living) take a pic of their expression ;;)

3. Also, does proximity of humans to our heroines kick up their bloodlust any?

4. Holly, this is PROBABLY a weird question, but if Cherri, Anna Mia, and Sugar Shock were real, what color would you see their skin color as actually being? I'm trying to see if I can do one of them (likely Cherri) in 3D, but I can't really get a bead on the skin color. Are they slate gray, light (ash) gray, light purple, light blue, white? Is there any specific CMYK or RGB color you use when illustrating the girls? :-B :-B
a opalescent lavendar

5. I would be interested to see the occasional friendly human working with our vamp friends...whether it's Cherri's current crush or someone else. (Hey, maybe Jim or you could make a cameo!) It'd be nice to see our gang prove that being VAMPED doesn't mean you turn in the movies. (Although Mr. Le Bom would be one of the rotten apples that winds up scaring the humans again!)
LOL- yes I've played with that senary in VampFire with Bethany & Rosa

6. I would like to see your husband's take on the gang (if he has the time and inclination) as far as something like a group shot or something. With his talent for the female form (He DID do another cat woman after all...!), that might make a cool poster for you to sell in the store. I realize he's probably rather busy, and his realistic style probably wouldn't work with a chapter in this lighthearted series, but I thought I'd toss the idea up for both of your consideration, if possible.
LOL- yes that's when I do Teen Tarot and he does School Bites After dark ;)

With HIS artistic skills, and YOURS, Holly...I'm willing to bet your kids will likely be fantastic artists, when the day comes!

ahhh- my must not have read Tarot 32 the Shadow Witch Story....our characters and comicbooks are our kids
and maybe one day adoption... ;;)

I hope I didn't ask too much or get too weird, Holly... 8-} 8-}
And thanks for creating these characters!

Please - weird is nothing I shy from-creepy...I do and you are not creepy :D
Be well, all!

Re: Q & A with HollyG

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:46 pm
by laughingvulcan
HollyG wrote: It's in my head how they all were turned-so yes eventually I will draw it- and no her parents do not hate her or reject her- They love Cleo very much...CLUE: think about her name and my love for Anne Rice! ;)
That's a good thing. There are a few Vampire series where the vampires don't subscibe to the 'I've got fangs I MUST be EEEEVVVVIIILLL!' way of thinking. Maybe I'm a closet romantic or bleeding heart, warms the heart in stories like that where the vampire doesn't face fearful rejection by her loved ones.

Of course, the flip side with Cleo would be her mother and father wanting to check over any potential boyfriends/blood children...
"You DON'T want to change HIM, dear! He's not right for you...He's just trying to get at your immortality!"
"Mooooooommmmmmm!" :))
HollyG wrote: LOL- ask any Vegan you know to lick a piece of meat...or drink a cup of fresh goat's blood (goat still living) take a pic of their expression ;;)
I don't know any vegans, unfortunately, but point made, Holly. It would be nice, though, to see Anna tempted a few times, though...her vampire instincts starting to run on automatic, until she snaps herself out of it. Vampirism and veganism would NATURALLY be fighting each other...It'll be interesting to see how she deals with the urges...

Maybe binge carrot eating...

Or drinking beet juice.... =))
HollyG wrote: Please - weird is nothing I shy from-creepy...I do and you are not creepy :D
Thanks. Sometimes I get to the point on the Web where I'm afraid of how some things might be interpreted...and I don't want to be 'read' poorly. :p

Re: Q & A with HollyG

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:45 pm
by HollyG
oh- Annie will have her own adventures

Re: Q & A with HollyG

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:43 pm
by Ravenhull
m'Lady Holly, would it be easier for the girls to feed their blood requirement by wearing skimpy bikinis and strolling around Japanese schoolboys? There would be enough nosebleeds to feed half the school... :-? :-B 8-}

ETA: Oh, after reading up above, where might we find 'Teen Tarot' and 'School Bites After Dark'?

Re: Q & A with HollyG

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 1:31 pm
by HollyG
has to be a certain type of blood

Re: Q & A with HollyG

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 1:51 pm
by Radbaron
I'm Almost positive she made a Bad joke there. Oh, i see what you did.

Re: Q & A with HollyG

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:19 pm
by Tenjen
Holly do lynx's make good familiars?

Re: Q & A with HollyG

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:09 pm
by HollyG
they do ;;)

Re: Q & A with HollyG

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:53 pm
by Bear
What about Bears? :p

Re: Q & A with HollyG

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 5:51 pm
by HollyG
the fuzzier the better
OOOoooR the
Fozzier the Better ;)

Re: Q & A with HollyG

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 5:56 pm
by Bear
Waka Waka :p

Re: Q & A with HollyG

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 8:50 pm
by laughingvulcan
Three slightly odd questions:

1. What year was the Shadow Academy founded?

2. Does the school have a motto? If so, what does it mean?

(I'm working on a Cherri pic, and these details factor into it...)

3. Does Cleo play an instrument? If so, what kind?

Thanks and be well, Holly. :-bd


Re: Q & A with HollyG

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:34 pm
by Ravenhull
I had to stop myself from making an answer to #3 there... though most of y'all could probably guess what instrument she would like to play right now... :-=

Re: Q & A with HollyG

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:58 pm
by midgetshrimp
Sax? She looks to me like she'd play a mean sax.

Re: Q & A with HollyG

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:21 pm
by Don Alexander
She sure has that sax appeal! :-bd