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Zombie Survival Sim: Discussion

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:38 am
by Lighthawk
The following is a basic guide for a Sim/RP type game I've been fleshing out, and am now currently looking for volunteers to take it for a spin. If I get enough positive feedback and support, I'll go ahead and set up a sim for people to play in. If not, no hard feelings, and we'll just let this thread settle to the graveyard at the bottom of the page.

Setting/backstory: The game will take place inside a large, generic city after a typical style zombie apocalypse. It will focus on the efforts of a small group of survivors (PCs and NPCs) as they not only try to stay alive day to day, but also try to improve on their situation.

Game play: The game takes place at a day by day turn system. Each day is broken down into three play phases.

Phase 1, planning: The PCs will meet to discuss what they want to get accomplished that day, such as scavenging for food/supplies/weapons, to searching for other survivors, to scouting, and/or pretty much any project they think they can realistic accomplish. The ability of the group to accomplish these goals will depend on what supplies and manpower they have available.

Phase 2, implementing the plan(s): This is where the GM, me, figures out how well or how poorly things go for you. This will be accomplished by a combination of dice rolls, common sense, and dramatic license (I like letting awesome things happen). Better plans will get bonuses for success, while stupid and poorly thought out plans will be more likely to fail (and get people killed).

Phase 3, results: This is where the GM, still me, generates an end of the day report, letting everyone know just how things went; what was accomplished, what was gained, and what was lost.

Classes: These represent general character types, and a group's ability to accomplish certain goals can receive bonuses for having the right classes matched to the right missions.

Leader: This class is all about people interaction. These are the charismatic individuals who know how to speak well and convince others to get along, to work harder, and to to take risks. Leaders make a group work together better, and have better chances of resolving and preventing inter-group issues.

Scout: This class is based around being sneaky. These are the people that can move quickly and silently, who can get in and out without attracting attention. They are also more aware of their surroundings and better at spotting things others might miss. Having scouts in a group increases the odds of finding useful things, and lowers the chances of ambushes. Scouts are also the best choice to send out solo on exploration missions.

Soldier: This class is all about fighting. They know how to use the best weapons, and use them well. Soldiers use weapons more efficiently, wasting less ammo. Soldiers increase a group's ability to survive encounters with zombies and hostile survivors.

Builder: This class is proficient in the use of tools and building supplies. If you need something built, modified, or torn down, this is the class to have do it. Builders are more efficient in construction type missions than other classes, reducing the supplies used and lower the odds of breaking tools.

Doctor: This class is the one to turn to when the inevitable happens. No matter how careful you are, someone is going to get hurt, or sick, and when they do a Doctor offers them much better odds at recovery. A Doctor improves a group's ability to survive and recover from injury and illness.

And there be the basics of the game. If things look good for going forward I'll post up the remaining details (How to read the end day reports, character creation, etc). The only real goal of the sim is to survive, after that it's whatever the group decides it wants to accomplish. Hole up in a few fortified rooms and just eek out a meager survival? Go for it. Try to reclaim the entirety of the city from the undead? By all means, try.

If you think you'd be interested in this, let me know. If you have questions, please ask.

Re: Zombie Survival Sim: Discussion

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:35 am
by Some guy
Can the zombies swim? Are there still fish in the ocean? How far is the city from the nearest ocean? Are there any small sailboats I can steal? Do I have a fishing pole?

In case you can't tell, I have thought about such things before. I'm in.

Re: Zombie Survival Sim: Discussion

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:02 pm
by Lighthawk
Unknown. Presumably. Pretty far. Unlikely. Possibly.

Re: Zombie Survival Sim: Discussion

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:20 pm
by Some guy
Those are some pretty nonspecific answers, lighthawk. I guess I will just have to find out for myself.

Re: Zombie Survival Sim: Discussion

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:21 pm
by Lighthawk

Re: Zombie Survival Sim: Discussion

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:05 pm
by Some guy
Now if we can only get more people interested, I could actually do that.

Re: Zombie Survival Sim: Discussion

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:43 pm
by 'J'
what the hell, i might be up for this.

Re: Zombie Survival Sim: Discussion

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:35 pm
by Some guy
We could use a being like you. Welcome aboard.

Re: Zombie Survival Sim: Discussion

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 6:11 pm
by Miss Vavavavoom
This sounds like fun!

Re: Zombie Survival Sim: Discussion

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 6:13 pm
by Some guy
I guess my wish is actually coming true... glad to see you survived the first stage of the zombie apocalypse.

Re: Zombie Survival Sim: Discussion

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:05 pm
by Lighthawk
And just when I was starting to think this had crashed during take off. Well that makes four people, counting the one that expressed interest through PM. I can get started with that. I'll see about getting the final details posted up tonight or tomorrow then.

Re: Zombie Survival Sim: Discussion

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:08 pm
by Some guy
That's great! Now all we have to fear is a killer GM... and a horde of zombies... and crazy people... yikes!

Re: Zombie Survival Sim: Discussion

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:31 am
by Lighthawk
Character Creation
You'll need to generate yourself a character sheet to play the game. Your sheet will look something like this...

Name: Your character's name, please nothing vulgar or absurd

Gender: Hopefully self explanatory.

Traits: Optional field, use this line to describe your character's appearance, personality, or unique traits. While not required, it could earn you bonus xp.

Health: Your physical well being. This will start at 100. Injuries, illnesses, malnourishment and dehydration can all cause your health to decline. Below 50 you become impaired and suffer penalties to your actions. If it reaches 0, you die.

Sanity: Your mental well being. This will also start at 100. Stress and strain will cause it to decline, impairing your judgment and rationality. Below 50 you may experience hallucinations, paranoia, and unhealthy urges. If it reaches 0 you go completely insane, becoming unable to function at all.

Class: List the class you wish to play here

Skills: There are five different skills, which the astute will notice match up with the five general class types. All skills start at a base of 30, and your choice of class will add an additional 30 to the skill it relates to.
Management (Leader skill): Your ability to work with people and handle social interactions.
Stealth (Scout skill): Your ability to move undetected and to notice other's trying to do the same
Combat (Soldier skill): Your ability to fight and use weapons
Construction (Builder skill): Your ability to use tools to build or repair objects
Medicine (Doctor skill): Your ability to treat injuries and illnesses

Level and XP: You will start at 1st level with 0 xp. You will be rewarded xp based on your accomplishments each day. You can not lose xp. For every 100 xp you gain, you gain a level, which earns you 5 skill points you may freely add to the skill of your choice.

Sample starting character sheet
Name: Eric Johnson
Gender: Male
Traits: Tall and burly, with thick brown hair and beard. Serious in looks and personality, though laughs loudly when amused.
Health: 100
Sanity: 100
Class: Soldier
Management: 30
Stealth: 30
Combat: 60
Construction: 30
Level: 1st
XP: 0

Re: Zombie Survival Sim: Discussion

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 5:32 am
by ExplodingJoe
should we post these character sheets right here in the thread?

Re: Zombie Survival Sim: Discussion

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 5:40 pm
by Lighthawk
Yes please