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Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 7:50 pm
by TellusEidolon
milk experiment wrote:

TellusEidolon wrote:The writing seemed unpolished and the romance was really cliché.
I think part of what I liked was that, as cliché as some aspects of the romance was, it broke several typical TV romance clichés as well. Korra didn't have to wait around pining over Mako, she made the first move. And she moved on him again (practically pounced on him actually) when he later revealed that he did have feelings for her. That's all perfectly in-character for the impulsive Avatar, but it's also a nice change of pace for mainstream media romances.

I also like that Korra's looks are only cited as a reason for liking her once at the end of a list of her other impressive qualities, and then only as a set-up for a gag about Bolin's high self-regard in that department. "I'm gorgeous!" Followed by a line to Pabu in his best Berry White voice. ;))
That is true, but to me it still felt like they had rushed it. I don't know, i feel like it lacked something. :-??
milk experiment wrote:
TellusEidolon wrote:Anyway, here is the [Un-Aired Pilot] of Avatar The Last Airbender.
Interesting. Do you happen to know if the version with commentary is on a particular DVD release of the series? I'm planning to get all 3 seasons, and I'd be interested in seeing that.
I've no idea, Milk. I got the link to that pilot from a friend. Tried google it?

Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 8:03 pm
by 'J'
i've got to say, i'm really enjoying the new show. it might actually shape up to be better than the old one. i like that the avatar this time is just a badass, more like toph than like ang (who could occasionally get annoyingly cheerful), and that they've decided to make all the protagonists a good bit older. i also like that they've moved the world forward technologically & aesthetically, rather than keeping everything the the same. i especially enjoy seeing things that were invented during the old show (ex. metalbending, airships) carried forward with 70-some years of advancement. and i love the 1920s/steampunk/chinatown aesthetic.

i thought ep5 started out strong, but fell apart a bit when the whole relationship drama started. i liked the that korra was actually proactive, yet not immune to flattery & thought her interactions with bolin came across very naturally. as a result, her side of the conflict with mako seemed rather forced. i really felt like she should have just said "Whatever dude, you had your chance." & left mako to stew in his egotism & jealousy for a few episodes. could have made for some good character development for him. but then, romantic drama isn't really my thing, & i always thought it was one of the weaker aspects of the old show as well.

also; while i like the idea of pro bending as a sport, & i think it makes for a good occasional diversion, i really question the decision to build an entire episode on it. it harkens back to the old show, where i occasionally found myself asking 'doesn't the avatar have better things to be doing with his/her time?'. maybe learn airbending? or hunt some terrorists? or bust up the triads? with everything else going on, it's a little hard to get invested in the question of whether or not they are going to win a sports tournament.

Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 8:54 pm
by TellusEidolon
This pun is so terrible that it almost hurts. :p :))

Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 9:09 pm
by milk experiment
TellusEidolon wrote:That is true, but to me it still felt like they had rushed it. I don't know, i feel like it lacked something. :-??
Well, it wasn't all that deep and some of the conflicts seemed to be resolved rather neatly. Knowing the past work of this team, though, I have faith that they'll come back to more thoroughly address things that were only touched on glancingly in the latest episode.

There's only so deep you can go in 23 minutes, and you have to build up audience investment in the characters first to go there anyway. It's early days yet for this show, and I figure its creators have earned my patience. :)
TellusEidolon wrote:I've no idea, Milk. I got the link to that pilot from a friend. Tried google it?
No, I was being lazy (sorry). :)

A bit of digging through the Amazon reviews confirms that a version with commentary is part of the Book 1 DVD set. There are also several complaints about poor video quality, however.
'J' wrote:i also like that they've moved the world forward technologically & aesthetically, rather than keeping everything the the same. i especially enjoy seeing things that were invented during the old show (ex. metalbending, airships) carried forward with 70-some years of advancement. and i love the 1920s/steampunk/chinatown aesthetic.
I like this part of it, too. I've read that tradition vs. modernity is going to be one of the overarching themes of the series, which sounds pretty interesting.
'J' wrote:also; while i like the idea of pro bending as a sport, & i think it makes for a good occasional diversion, i really question the decision to build an entire episode on it. it harkens back to the old show, where i occasionally found myself asking 'doesn't the avatar have better things to be doing with his/her time?'.
I kind of wonder if they're setting the sport up for a larger payoff as part of the overall story. For example, wouldn't a sport that glorifies bending -- and by extension the "oppressors" of the non-bending masses -- be a great target for an Equalist terrorist attack? Or perhaps something more subtle than that, aimed a sullying benders in the eyes of all the sport's (soon to be former) fans?

Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 9:19 pm
by Adamas
That and as was shown in the..second? episode. Korra seems to react and learn more from combat then sitting on her (cute) butt chanting "OOOOOMMMMMM"

Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 2:04 am
by mac2
Does anyone know when the new episodes are available online? Or when they replay on TV? I got caught up, and then I missed Saturday's episode.

Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 2:11 am
by Adamas
I think they show them mondays? as for the site I'm not sure, the site has ep.4 as the newest.

Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 8:01 am
by milk experiment
I got tired of waiting for the official site to update with new eps, since I was getting spoilers from my DA watch list. I went looking for some other source, and found this site. The video quality varies widely, but it's a way to get the latest episode sooner. Here's episode 5.

If you have an ad blocker installed, you may have to disable it to get their videos working.

Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 8:26 am
by 'J'

Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 9:59 pm
by TellusEidolon

I'll Bend The Hell Out Of You ~adrisaurus :-bd :D

Let's get down to business to defeat Amon!

Water, Earth and Fire, but there's still just one!
He's the biggest douche I've ever met, and he can bet that by Book Two...

Amon, I'll bend the hell out of you

Fiery as Azula and as tough as Toph,

Swift just like Katara, but as Aang, I'm off

I can't meditate or be the leaf, but with three, it just won't do

Somehow, I'll bend the hell out of you!

I'm never gonna calm myself!

Gotta stay with Tenzin's teachings -
But screw the rules! Pro-bending is my jam!

This guy's got me scared to death -
Hope he doesn't take my bending!

Now I really wish the Equalists would scram!

I must be as light as a flying lemur,

I must be calmer than most by far!

Must keep my temper and fear no other,

And soon I will be the next great Avatar!

Time is racing toward us, 'til Amon comes forth!

Take to heart my training, and I'll brave the storm!

He will never have his way with us! Benders, you know what to do,

Amon, we'll bend the hell out of you!

I must be as light as a flying lemur,

I must be calmer than most by far!

Must keep my temper and fear no other,

And soon I will be the next great Avatar!

I must be as light as a flying lemur,

I must be calmer than most by far!

Must keep my temper and fear no other,

And soon I will be the next great Avatar!

Edit: This is the original lyrics

Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 1:53 pm
by Adamas

Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 3:38 pm
by TellusEidolon

Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 3:53 pm
by TellusEidolon

Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 6:34 pm
by Adamas
Just caught the latest episode. Am I the only one that figured the wolfbats would cheat? And it looks like Korra's starting to get flashes of Aang's memories.

Re: Avatar: The Legend of Korra

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 10:58 pm
by 'J'
ok, solid payoff for last week. it's good that they're not going to drag the tournament thing out for the whole season.