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Re: Manga, Manga & More Manga

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:02 am
by Kamino Neko
The manga moves a lot faster than the anime (at least getting it all at once, rather than reading it in its original serialized run) - a lot of the issues the anime had (the long-ass powerup sequences, some arcs) were a result of trying to avoid getting ahead of the manga. (Happens a lot with long anime series adapted from still ongoing manga - at least Shonen Jump is a weekly magazine, not monthly...the anime would likely have been unbearable if it had had to try to not overtake something coming out only once a month!)

Re: Manga, Manga & More Manga

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:18 am
by yiraheerai
Yeah, Fullmetal Alchemist and Fruits Basket ran into that problem. They caught up with the manga and had to diverge from its original plot. Ouran did that, too, though I think Ouran and Fruits Basket decided to just be a one season series. All three ran in monthly magazines.

Re: Manga, Manga & More Manga

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:22 am
by Kamino Neko
FMA handled the gecko ending quite well. I generally like the original anime better than the manga. (Not that I've finished the latter, nor seen the new anime...both of which I intend to, eventually, but haven't gotten around to.)

Re: Manga, Manga & More Manga

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:26 am
by yiraheerai
The only thing that I found wrong with the original anime were the characters that didn't get introduced. Olivia, for one. Greedling for another. I never finished it either but it was... pretty awesome, the part where I stopped.

Re: Manga, Manga & More Manga

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:19 am
by Azrael
FMA: Brotherhood follows the manga storyline way more closely than the original. Which is why I have been avoiding finishing it, I don't want to a spoiler for the manga.

And one hundred and change is pretty cheap for the full DBZ manga series. I mean were talking twenty-six volumes and VIZ has jumped the price of their stock about two bucks in the last couple years, so looking at around 260 dollars, full price.

Re: Manga, Manga & More Manga

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:30 pm
by Beelzebozo
I like Mysterious Girlfriend X. Is a very funny Echi has some very absurd situations, but I think it's worth the reading.
Berserk on the other hand is violent, the history (in my opinion) is solid but his creator Kentaro Miura takes a long time to publish the mangas, sometimes up to 4 months...

Re: Manga, Manga & More Manga

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:19 am
by Sideb(.)(.)bPlatypus
yiraheerai wrote:...So my local bookstore has the entire collection of DBZ manga available for a hundred and something bucks.

Did... Did anyone actually read the manga? Catch bits of it in Shounen Jump? I'm wondering what the crack factor is compared to the production that was the anime.

I started it on.....some site, I forget the name, and then I was like good GOD this is long :)) I liked it well enough, it was just too overwhelming :p I used to watch the anime with my ex boyfriend some years ago and I somewhat prefer that.

I'm a big Rumiko Takahashi fan, just started reading her new series Rinne :D

Re: Manga, Manga & More Manga

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:05 am
by Java
just thought I'd mention that also still works, for all you scanlation fiends out there.

I haven't read any in a long time, but I have to say one of my favorites that I had read was Red River/Anatolia Story. Loved how well the main character was expertly weaved into history and LOVED LOVED LOVED the hittite pottery that you could sometimes see in the background.

Yes. I'm a pottery nerd.

Re: Manga, Manga & More Manga

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:07 pm
by Don Alexander
brnleague99 wrote:Whilst perusing the forum I noticed something that both disturbed and annoyed me. While there's a great anime thread, there's no thread whatsoever about Manga.
Ah, a manga thread, I'll just merge this into the anime fan, after all, it's all the same stuff...


Jess kiddin', carry on.

The BFF of one of my best friends (and him too) are manga fans a bit... My friend used to buy stuff for his friend here because it seems the other guy could not get it in his town. That way, I also got to read some stuff.

I've read all of Dr. Slump (hilariously funny), Akira, the first six volumes or so of Neon Genesis Evangelion (gaahhh, they were slow in writing/publishing that), and the classical Ghost in the Shell. As you can see, quite the SF fan here. :P

But all of this is like, six, seven years ago, not read any since.

Re: Manga, Manga & More Manga

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:20 am
by Java
You know what i'd really like is some really good josei manga. Any titles I can look into?

Re: Manga, Manga & More Manga

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:33 pm
by xxcthuluxx
Here's the list that I have in my bookmarks folder right now:

Bleach (liked it in the beginning, hated a lot of the middle stuff, but it's getting exciting again!)
Burning Hell
Buster Keel
D.Gray Man
Detroit Metal City
Defense Devil
Fairy Tail
Kinniku Man
Medaka Box
Naruto (needs to end!!!)
One Piece (100% favorite!)
Blade of the Immortal
Wolf Guy, Wolfen Crest
Cage of Eden
Kiben Gakuha Yotsuya-Senpai no Kaidan
Metallica Metalluca
Get Backers
Astro Boy
Black Jack
Soul Eater

I'm sure there are a ton more, but I need to organize my bookmarks menu before I find them all. :-bd

Re: Manga, Manga & More Manga

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:43 pm
by Miss Vavavavoom
I want to promote this: Image

Moto Haigo is brillant. Her art is somewhat simple but it's beautiful and moving. Her stories are chilling, inspiring and even some of them are sweet. I got this from the library and now I really want to own it. It's a great book filled with great stories and an interview with the author that's at the end.

Re: Manga, Manga & More Manga

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:02 am
by Some guy
There is an interesting-looking manga called Psyren in SJ...

But yeah, One piece is pretty much my favourite.

Re: Manga, Manga & More Manga

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:20 am
by Azrael
Seven Seas is going to restart / continue Gunslinger Girl! *does happy dance*

Re: Manga, Manga & More Manga

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:59 am
by yiraheerai
For those of you who gave up on Naruto, I'm going to give you a look at what's up ahead:

Ino-Shika-Chou fighting against resurrected (aka zombie) Azuma. They're looking entirely badass, to be perfectly honest.