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Re: Jabber!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:39 am
by Asaryu

And then the Amazonian women can lick me better! :ymdevil:

Ooh...and I am having an abstract reviewed so I can present a paper at a conference. I win at academia!

Re: Jabber!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:59 am
by Scaramouche
Asaryu wrote: And then the Amazonian women can lick me better! :ymdevil:
I love the Amazons.

Also there's a frozen yoghurt in my freezer, begging to be eaten.

Re: Jabber!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:11 am
by Scaramouche
Question for Don Alexander.

Louis Essen, uber-genius, expert on optics and time, and co=creator of the first atomic clock, thought the whole time-dilation thing in relation to Relativity was bunk. He suggested the Hafele–Keating flying atomic clock experiment was unreliable or inadequate, and that the experiment relied upon fiddling the numbers to make it work.

Essen published "The Special Theory of Relativity: A Critical Analysis", and stated in 1978 "No one has attempted to refute my arguments, but I was warned that if I persisted I was likely to spoil my career prospects."

My own personal suspicion is that the difference in clocks was due entirely to gravitational effects on the clocks, without any time dilation effects. However, I've hardly studied such things, so I'm aware of my own shortcomings in that area.

What's your opinion of Essen's criticism?

Re: Jabber!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:25 am
by Don Alexander
Asaryu wrote:Ooh...and I am having an abstract reviewed so I can present a paper at a conference. I win at academia!
Congratulations!! :ymhug: (But I think I win more. :P )

@Scaramouche: Well, relativity is not my forte... But his work is 30 years old, and I've never heard of it. I suspect he was proven very wrong. Time dilation has been shown to exist in many experiments. Just think of cosmic rays. Also, the gravitational time dilation effect in Earth's gravity field is much weaker than the SR speed time dilation effect. And saying otherwise means you are trying to lever out either SR or GR. Which brings you in hell's kitchen, because both theories have been shown to be applicable to awesome levels of precision. Everywhere. In every experiment. And if you make a new theory, it needs to explain everything the old theories do, and also any anomalies that might come up, and predict new experimentally testable effects.

/scientist mode

Re: Jabber!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:30 am
by Asaryu
Don Alexander wrote:
Asaryu wrote:Ooh...and I am having an abstract reviewed so I can present a paper at a conference. I win at academia!
Congratulations!! :ymhug: (But I think I win more. :P )
But I'm younger. And I've only done my undergraduate. And I was invited to participate. Neener neener neener. :p

Re: Jabber!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:33 am
by Don Alexander
Asaryu wrote:But I'm younger. And I've only done my undergraduate. And I was invited to participate. Neener neener neener. :p

Everyone is telling me how fail I am in academia... :((

Re: Jabber!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:35 am
by Asaryu
My housemate was very impressed when I told him you'd been published in Nature.

And he was impressed with your 100th post story. As was I.

Re: Jabber!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:39 am
by Don Alexander
Asaryu wrote:My housemate was very impressed when I told him you'd been published in Nature.
Ooooohhhh!!! Praise!!!! ;;) Tell him thank you. ^:)^
Asaryu wrote:And he was impressed with your 1000th post story. As was I.
Missing a zero there. ;)
I had lots of fun writing it. Nice to pack out the "bad Tolkien style prose" again... :))

@T2B: ~o) time!! (This is the Jabber forum after all. ;) )
And knowing that you will not be able to do that will not make me feel better at all!!! [-x
I am not jealous of other people's achievements (except in the relationships department) and would be very happy for you!

Re: Jabber!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:55 am
by Don Alexander
Teacher2B wrote:Coffee!! :ymhug:
*pssst* Don't forget chocolate and rum for our beary-mod. ;)
Teacher2B wrote:Oh, I was not implying that you're jealous of other people's achievements...It's other of my typical phrases... :ymhug: ??
Muchas :ymhug: !

Well, I hope you achieve all your dreams!

Re: Jabber!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:05 am
by Don Alexander
Teacher2B wrote:Working on that :D I need my coffee first =)). If the provider of all things evil doesn't have her coffee, then people complains of not having the necessary supplies :))
So you don't self-supply?? Hm... :-? Them designers of old were shrewd! I mean, otherwise, you'd enslave the world in no time.

"Chocolate will keep them in line."

And seeing that you are :ymdevil: , it would not be rule by being nice and giving chocolate to those who obey, but withholding chocolate as punishment! :-ss

Re: Jabber!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:24 am
by Bear
Sleep no more.... someone needs to murder sleep... i-)

Re: Jabber!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:37 am
by Bear
I'm not getting enough sleep lately... stupid workmen at a house over the back starting early and stuff.... We need to have a foolproof way of not needing sleep.

Re: Jabber!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:57 am
by Bear
There used to be a law that you couldn't make noise above a certainly level before 9am in the mornings... they really need to bring that back as its still covered by anti-social laws and disturbing the peace... I'm know alot of people who even if they do go to work don't want to listen to people hammering etc early in the morning.

Re: Jabber!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:21 pm
by Don Alexander
I just love (read: X( ) it when people in neighbouring appartmemnts decide they need to drill some holes in the walls at eight in the morning... *KILL*

Also, maybe once a month, the gardeners come to mow the yard and tend the stuff right behind my apprtement. *rolls over gardeners with lawn mower repeatedly*


Oh, and FU to England for winning the match against Germany!!!! X( X( X(

(Our own fault, I guess, for keeping Ballack out...)

Re: Jabber!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:42 pm
by Scaramouche
Don Alexander wrote:
Asaryu wrote:Ooh...and I am having an abstract reviewed so I can present a paper at a conference. I win at academia!
Congratulations!! :ymhug: (But I think I win more. :P )

@Scaramouche: Well, relativity is not my forte... But his work is 30 years old, and I've never heard of it. I suspect he was proven very wrong. Time dilation has been shown to exist in many experiments. Just think of cosmic rays. Also, the gravitational time dilation effect in Earth's gravity field is much weaker than the SR speed time dilation effect. And saying otherwise means you are trying to lever out either SR or GR. Which brings you in hell's kitchen, because both theories have been shown to be applicable to awesome levels of precision. Everywhere. In every experiment. And if you make a new theory, it needs to explain everything the old theories do, and also any anomalies that might come up, and predict new experimentally testable effects.

/scientist mode
New theory? Working on it... Meh. Well, maybe some day.