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Re: Books.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:11 am
by Bear
Well from what I know of Twilight, the books and the TV is meant to be terrible, but the movie is meant to be good... WTF?

Re: Books.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:15 am
by Don Alexander
@aishabe: Okay, that explains it... Wow, you have weird friends... :o

Re: Books.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:20 am
by aishabe
Bear- TV Show? They don't have one of those yet that I know of, thank the lawd.
If they did I would give up on TV for good.

DA- Yes, I really do. But I'm weird too, so we go together well.

Both- Wow, you really get up early, huh?

Edit: Leaving it there, but blahhh time zones.

Re: Books.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:26 am
by Don Alexander
aishabe wrote:DA- Yes, I really do. But I'm weird too, so we go together well.
But... But... But... I thought you were married to oni??? :oops:

Note to self: Don't overinterpret the ramblings of cute forumites. ;)
aishabe wrote:Both- Wow, you really get up early, huh?
Well, I'm in Germany, and Bear is in the UK, so it's noon +/- 30 minutes where we are, not exactly early by the standards of normal people (I'm not normal. It is early for me...).

Re: Books.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:32 am
by Bear
@Aishabe: I must have misunderstood what a friend of mine who lives in Pheonix said then as I thought she'd told me there was a Tv show of Twilight. lol.

And yeah.. timezones.. its 11.30am in England right now.

Re: Books.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:28 pm
by Scaramouche
Dirty n Evil wrote:
aishabe wrote:This is a great conversation, but I just want to find something out.
If you do, don't make it known.
I might be forced to hurt you.
Well, I'll come out and say this - Aishabe, I like Twilight. Because I work in a book store, and it has sold exceptionally well, so it's probably the reason during this horrible economy I have a job. Which is why I like The DaVinci Code, The Secret, and every other stupid fad book out there. Because it keeps me financially solvent. And as much as I think Oprah is a cult leader, her book club has helped encourage mindless lemming housewives buy books that they'll never read - but look like they're well read when they display them where their friends can see.
My sister worked in a second hand bookshop for a while, and they had a LOT of Dan Brown novels. Apparently lots of people wanted to get rid of them. I never read his Da Vnici Code book, but the movie was pure rubbish. My sister has read a few, and says they're crap. She generally has decent taste in books.

As for Oprah, I agree. She's nauseating.

Oprah: "Here's currently popular person X who did politicallly correct action Y. Don't we love that, audience? Awww."

Audience: "Awww."

Oprah: "I feel so connected with this issue. X, you've done something that's just so warm and fuzzy, and since you're on my show, I feel like I'm partly responsible for it too! Awww."

Audience: "Awww."

Re: Books.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:39 pm
by midgetshrimp
Everyone gets a humpback whale! You get a humpback whale, you get a humpback whale...

Re: Books.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 2:44 pm
by Bear
The only thing I liked about the Da Vinchi Code was the alternate history point of veiw and how things have been covered up tha could be seen as scandelous. Its historically documented fact that the Popes of years gone by frequently choped and changed the Bible to suit their moods and that Mary Magdelen as depicted in the Bible is actually the result of 4 different Mary's being squished together as a 15th century Pope 'thought that there were too many Mary's' in the bible.

Re: Books.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:16 pm
by Don Alexander
Harry Potter :arrow: :arrow: Twilight :arrow: :arrow: Dan Brown...

I read all four Dan Brown books. and I liked them quite a lot. In the "suspense of disbelief roaring yarn" mode. The man can write. You really get hooked, and read the books quickly. On the other hand, of course, the books are kind of riddled with errors... I'm not sooo much into history so TDVC and A&D kind of went past me, but Digital Fortress and Deception Point?? Ho boy, the technology background suXXord...

But I must say, I liked the movie as well (especially the extended edition). Only thing is, I think Tom Hanks was very miscast... I myself always envisioned Edward Norton...

Re: Books.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:22 pm
by Bear
I heard someone argue it should have been Nic Cage who was cast in that movie... I can see the point.

Re: Books.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:31 pm
by midgetshrimp
Ugh, I hate Nicholas Cage. Anyone seen The Weatherman? That movie should be retitled to "Stop Crying, Nicholas Cage." Possibly with the subtitle, " Wow you're an asshole". The only good thing he did in that movie was punch the freaky pedophile dude in the face.

Re: Books.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:40 pm
by NobodySpecial
Another one, bit more actiony than Dan Brown stuff and definitely lighter reading is Martin Caidin's The Messiah Stone.

Re: Books.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:07 am
by aishabe
Who WOULDN'T want a humpback whale?

Re: Books.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:53 am
by Peppercat
I liked Harry Potter, all in all. I loved it since I first read the books (8 years ago, damn) and still do <3

IN MY OPINION, The DaVinci Code is a relatively good book. BOOK. NOVEL. I liked the suspense, though it wasn't the most intriguing misterious book ever, by far. The historical, artistic and geographical references were cool. But it's just a book, for Christ's sake and not even an outstanding one. Some people took it too seriously.

Twilight... I ranted for hours, for DAYS with my best friend. And then I kept on ranting in my blog. Aishababe, I know how you feel about all those teenage girls going crazy about the books, but it actually amuses me. Though it's sad that they idolise such a relationship... I'm not even going to start on that topic. I think it was a kinda unhealthy relationship.

Anyways, IN MY OPINION, Book 1 is silly (to say the least), but it was... amusing. (When you've got to travel 3 hours on a bus every saturday and sunday, it is.) Book 2 and 3 were better cause they ACTUALLY HAD A PLOT of the sorts. Book 4 was incredibly disappointing and generally AWFUL. In conclusion, they all feel like a big ubber girly fanfic.

But still, I read them all and butchered the book endlessly with my best friend and we enjoyed every bit of the process :mrgreen:

And we're gonna go watch the movie together whenever it comes out here and butcher it more with a big cup of coffee and lots and lots of chocolate and we're gonna love every bit of the process :mrgreen: Specially the chocolate part.

Feel free to disagree:)

but, of course, you'd be wrong :mrgreen:

Re: Books.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:12 am
by Tenjen
Dan browns books are like cheap spy novels but with interesting facts.