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Bernard Pivot Questionnaire

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 2:46 pm
by Dirty n Evil
Okay, I thought of something new to try out. :) As made popular from the show, "Inside the Actor's Studio", we answer the Bernard Pivot questionnaire about ourselves. Naturally, since I'm the one suggesting it, I'll throw myself at the firing squad and go first. ;) But before that, the list of questions on their own.
What's your favorite word?

What is your least favorite word?

What turns you on?

What turns you off?

What sound or noise do you love?

What sound or noise do you hate?

What is your favorite curse word?

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

What profession would you not like to attempt?

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
And now, my responses. :D

What's your favorite word? Opalescent. As strange as it sounds, it's one of those words that has so few opportunities to be said... and yet, every time I have a chance to say it in proper context, I always get the same reaction. "Ooo, good word..."

What is your least favorite word? Rape. I cannot hear that word and not be put completely on edge. The other day, a radio personality was attempting to use it in a playful fashion to describe how turned on he would get by his wife that he felt he would need to make love to her... yet the two times he used that word in a light hearted fashion, it just made my teeth grind.

What turns you on? A warm smile. Not suggestive, or leering... but really, I feel a smile is the most attractive thing a woman can wear. A warm smile is relaxed and at ease, and it communicates to the other person that either you''re the source for that smile, or they want to share that feeling with you.

What turns you off? Apathy. I like it when people feel strongly about something. But when someone is just a heavy weight, unwilling to be involved in the world around them and just sitting there with a complete lack of caring... it's frustrating. There is little or nothing you feel like you can do with them.

What sound or noise do you love? The trill welcoming call of Saskia. It tells me that she's happy I'm there, and I can't help but smile when I hear it.

What sound or noise do you hate? There is a particular tone that people make when they're crying and they then scream at you. It's shrill, hateful, angry, and pained all at once. I had a step-mother who used this tactic as a manipulative method against people because she knew how ugly a noise this was.

What is your favorite curse word? Dammit. Not "damn it", all one word, flowing together. It can be used without being directed at someone, to exclaim a negative feeling about something. I have a fond preference to use it in three's, as well. "Dammit, dammit, dammit!"

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? Well, discounting professional writer, because I still have hopes in that field... a musician. I wouldn't much care what instrument I played, either. the idea of making music as a way of life appeals to me.

What profession would you not like to attempt? Strip club janitor. Ewwwww.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "Welcome, Chris. I know you have a lot of questions still... let me help explain things to you so you understand."

Re: Bernard Pivot Questionnaire

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:19 pm
by Swayambhu
What's your favorite word?


What is your least favorite word?

Cunt. :(

What turns you on?

Video games?

What turns you off?


What sound or noise do you love?

Lots. But uh, there's an alien sound in this Portishead song called "Humming" that I can't get enough of. (This song: ) That, and the sound of her voice is highly addicting.

What sound or noise do you hate?

Nails on a chalkboard. I convulse whenever I hear 'em.

What is your favorite curse word?

Bitch? Probably bitch.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

Psychotherapy. Or medicinal sciences, like...becoming a pharmacist.

What profession would you not like to attempt?

Anything involving people poop.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?


I'm feeling silly. I'll probably try to answer a few of those a little more seriously another time, but right now, I couldn't honestly tell you half of my true answers. That, and I rarely ponder on a religious level, so the thought of zipping up to Heaven to meet the big G-man hasn't honestly occurred to me.

Re: Bernard Pivot Questionnaire

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:21 pm
by TakerFoxx
Well, I'll give it a shot!

What's your favorite word?: Story. Everything you need to know about me is there.

What is your least favorite word?: Troll. Can't stand 'em.

What turns you on?: Let's see...geeky knowledge is always a turn on. As is an attractive pair of glasses, and a willingness to be outgoing and a little quirky/strange. Beyond that, no comment. ;)

What turns you off?: Lack of personality, or a rotten one.

What sound or noise do you love?: The ceiling fan.

What sound or noise do you hate?: Mostquitos

What is your favorite curse word?: Bloody hell! Bugger is also fun.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?: Seeing how I'm unemployed at the moment, most of them. :p But seriously, probably editing.

What profession would you not like to attempt?: Anything involving math or science. Ugh.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?: "Well done, my good and faithful servant." I know it's cliched, but it's miles better than the alternative.

Re: Bernard Pivot Questionnaire

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:35 pm
by midgetshrimp
What's your favorite word?

Sadly, it might possibly be ridonkulous. Righteous is a pretty sweet word, too, especially when used in the proper context.

What is your least favorite word?

"Ya'll". I think that word makes me want to kill things more than any other. I hate it even more than "ain't". At least "ain't" can be used ironically with relative ease. "Ya'll" is just... ugh.

What turns you on?

The most? An honest smile, certain laughs, generally pure unadulterated happiness. It's strange, but I find the happiest people to be the most erotic. Also breasts. Asaryu had an even better picture for the contest, but saved it just for me, and yea. Wow. >.>

What turns you off?

Assholes (metaphorical). Just rude, downtrodden attitudes.

What sound or noise do you love?

Certain laughs, the Skype video call noise :D , and other, less appropriate sounds ;)

What sound or noise do you hate?

Those really high pitched, forced back sneezes. You know, the ones that sound like you just stepped on a chihuahua.

What is your favorite curse word?

Pancakes! (reference)

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

I'd love to be a professional athlete (hockey, soccer) or writer.

What profession would you not like to attempt?

Other than dishwashing? Well, I don't think I'd make a good surgeon. Sticking my hands inside incisions doesn't appeal to me.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Yep, I exist, and you can come in. Next.

Re: Bernard Pivot Questionnaire

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:46 pm
by JTHomeslice
I use y'all a lot so you can fuck right off.
(I'm kidding. About the fucking off, not the y'all.)

What's your favorite word?
Rad. Because, you know, it's rad.

What is your least favorite word?
Faggot. Just hearing this word sends me into a blind rage. As someone who was around fucking stupid teenagers I heard it a lot.

What turns you on?
Eyes. More so than anything else eyes draw me in. Glasses just add to it.

What turns you off?
Insane tans (ala Jersey Shore). For one it's just not healthy for your skin. I just feel more attracted to fair or lightly tanned women.

What sound or noise do you love?
Death growls (and screams too I guess). They can pump me up, calm me down, pull me out of a bad mood, piss me off, they can illicit all sorts of reactions.

What sound or noise do you hate?
Baby cries. They annoy me like no other. Hopefully I can get over this before I have kids.

What is your favorite curse word?
I use them so much that my favorite thing to do is make up insane combinations. Like Fucktits McDickerson.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
I'd really like to be in a band. I want to make music and go out and entertain people.

What profession would you not like to attempt?
Office job. Button up shirt, tie, cubicles, that's not my style at all.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Up top! Then we high five. And Hell explodes.

Re: Bernard Pivot Questionnaire

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:08 am
by duneshdw
What's your favorite word? Tough question, but I think I'll go with book because I like the notions that my mind associates with the word.

What is your least favorite word? Homage, because I don't like the way people pronounce it.

What turns you on? A certain 'brightness' of personality, which I can't really define any more clearly. Though a cute face doesn't hurt either. ;)

What turns you off? A vapid/incurious attitude. I cannot abide people who cannot be bothered to take an intelligent interest in the world around them.

What sound or noise do you love? In general I favor the sounds made by rock bands and orchestras.

What sound or noise do you hate? I had a Nickelodeon alarm clock as a child. It had several different sounds you could set it to, but no matter which one you chose it always opened with a sort of click like you'd hear over an intercom or two-way radio, followed by a countdown, and then the sound you chose. This particular noise was annoying to begin with, and I wake up easily enough that it would always startle me out of my sleep, and so I grew to loath that opening click.

What is your favorite curse word? "Balls!"

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? Is lottery winner a profession? If not than either a professional author or rock god.

What profession would you not like to attempt? Anything in customer service. Oh, how I hate dealing with the general public.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "I may be an asshole, but not such a big one that I would actually allow a place like Hell to exist. Nor will I force you to spend eternity in my presence if you would rather find your peace somewhere else."

Re: Bernard Pivot Questionnaire

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:26 am
by LadySheDevil
Okay, I'll bite.

What's your favorite word?
Hm, that changes all the time. I think right now it's definitely Futterwacken, though. :3

What is your least favorite word?
Thanks, JT. Now it's a tie.
My first is the N-word. See, I can't even type it. I cringe when I hear it. I don't even like hearing black people say it.
And faggot. That word just pisses me right off. Especially the way it's said around here.

What turns you on?
Big, expressive eyes, an inviting smile, and... Certain smells. Especially the smell of some men's deodorants. I don't know why, they make me swoon.

What turns you off?
Shitty attitudes, people who complain about everything under the sun and can't just enjoy life, and once again, particular smells. Let's just leave it at that.

What sound or noise do you love?
I love any kind of white noise, especially when I'm sleeping. I NEED some kind of noise, or sleep doesn't happen. And I've always loved the sound of high heels clicking down a hallway. I'm not sure why, it just sounds... Nice? No, that's not the word. Important, maybe. Yeah.

What sound or noise do you hate?
Grinding teeth. My mom's friend and her daughter used to sleep over at my house a lot, and the daughter CONSTANTLY ground her teeth. Even when she was awake. It was horrible. *shudders at the thought*

What is your favorite curse word?
Definitely, without a doubt, FUCK. It's universal, it's powerful, and it gets your point across in one syllable. Love it.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
I've always loved building and fixing things. Actually, when I was little I wanted to be a mechanic. Though lately I've been thinking of construction. I'd love to be a part of building houses.

What profession would you not like to attempt?
Doctor. I respect the hell out of what they do, but I do not envy them one bit.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Oh wow, not something I've ever really thought about. I'd love some explanations though.

Re: Bernard Pivot Questionnaire

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:39 pm
by Paul
Okay, I'll join in also.

What's your favorite word? Don't really have one. Not that I couldn't make up my mind, I simply never thought about it until now. The word that escapes my lips the most is "yup," so I guess that could be it. :D

What is your least favorite word? Vote #3 for the n-word. Growing up in an heavily urban area like I did, you'd think I'd be fully desensitized to it, since the word was tossed around like cards at a blackjack table. You'd be wrong.

What turns you on? Freckles on an adult woman. :x We tell small children they're angel kisses...with a gal over the age of consent, I want to kiss all the spots the angels did. :-* No, Jackie doesn't have them :((

What turns you off? Hypocrisy, wanting something both ways, inconsistency...different shades of the same issue. Certain scents also.

What sound or noise do you love? Acoustic guitars and cellos playing together. Way cool. I have some relaxation-type mellow music using those instruments, as well as all of R.E.M.'s albums, which is the centerpiece of much of their music in the 80s and early 90s.

What sound or noise do you hate? A close-by train locomotive...when there is no track around for miles.

What is your favorite curse word? Gotta go with LSD here. Shows you mean business, especially if you don't curse much.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? Writer. I'm actually thinking about doing it, but at this point I have neither the time or the patience to do it.

What profession would you not like to attempt? Underwater welder. I don't need barracudas staring at the arc while I'm working. No thank you.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "Well done, my good and faithful servant." It's cliched because its actually written in the Bible.

Re: Bernard Pivot Questionnaire

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:34 am
by Dizzy
What's your favorite word?
“Manifesto". It just seems like a powerful word.

What is your least favorite word?
“faggot”. My best friend was in a same sex relationship, and my sister is currently in one. I want to punch whatever ignorant homophobe says it. Hell, even when my girlfriend calls something "gay" I tell her off.

What turns you on?
Redheads. You can thank my girlfriend for that.

What turns you off?
Too much make-up. It makes you seem like you're hiding something.

What sound or noise do you love?
Thunderstorms. I always found them soothing

What sound or noise do you hate?
Anything that makes a screeching noise.

What is your favorite curse word?
"Shit". Short, sweet, to the point.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Video game tester. I love video games.

What profession would you not like to attempt?
Mortician. I'm squeamish.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
“What’s up, bitches!”

Re: Bernard Pivot Questionnaire

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:59 am
by yiraheerai
What's your favorite word? Lackadaisical . It's a silly sounding word that sums up how I see myself most the time.

What is your least favorite word? I have an on and off hate relationship with the term "bro." Bro's okay if you use it in terms of brotherhood, but you start using it like "bromance" and "bro-trayed" and I want to punch someone.

What turns you on? Fedoras. TRUE FACT: A girl started this for me. She wore one almost every day in high school. Sometimes with a pinstripe suit. THAT VEST. THOSE PANTS. THAT HAT. :x :x :x :x

What turns you off? ...Usually, beards :( But you guys are helping me not hate them. Some of you guys rock the beard.

What sound or noise do you love? Rain. I do not hear it enough. Streams or rivers with a good, strong current are nice too. Maybe it's just running water in general. :-?

What sound or noise do you hate? Race cars. NASCAR, Drag Racing, motorcycles.. I can't stand the roar of an engine. It makes me feel like my ears are going to start bleeding. Guess what my dad's favorite hobby is? :((

What is your favorite curse word?. I use "fuck" a lot. I think I remember hearing something like "Son of a monkey cocksucker" once and found it particularly amusing.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? I don't have a profession XD;; But things I'm interested in: History, anthropology, astrology, and geology. :-B

What profession would you not like to attempt? Prostitution. Stripping. Anything involving janitorial work. My OCD couldn't take it.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? I would honestly just be happy to be there and hear a "Welcome home." I'd have an entire afterlife to learn the secrets of the Earth and the Heavens, if that is His will.

Re: Bernard Pivot Questionnaire

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:45 pm
by Searcher
What's your favorite word? What is your favorite curse word? Fuck, it is so useful. It can be used in so many different ways and I use it a lot.

What is your least favorite word? Poppy or whatever the Spanish-speaking people at work are saying. I am not you damn father and if I was I would have shot you long before now! Seriously, I get in more trouble at work from that word then any other reason.

What turns you on? Brains, strong willed girls who know that they want and is not afraid to tell me. Sex is so much better when you can have a intelligent conversation before and after and I don't have to play ... "I afraid to loss you so I just do anything you want be cause I am pathetic" games. Or a 18 year old Bi-sexual girl who wants to have sex at least three times a day with me and her twin sister ... either one works for me. :D

What turns you off? There is a fine line between sexy and 'moronic looking, 12 inch heal wearing, have to wear dresses 6 size too small because they have no personality, more make wearing then Tammy-Fay, fake' idiots ... sexy is a attitude not a look.

What sound or noise do you love? Walking in the woods during a light snowstorm ... the silences is amazing.

What sound or noise do you hate? You know that woman who used to play the Nanny on TV???? Her voice ... I want to slit my wrist every time I hear it or someone who sounds like her.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? Writing and I wish I had some talent at drawing.

What profession would you not like to attempt? Anything medical, seriously the people you have to work for are usually bleeding or messing up themselves and they are whining ... "Oh my god, I lost half my leg and I'm dying ... save me .... waaaaaaaa" :| Yea, I don't think I could do that job.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "Oh my Self! How did you get past the bouncer??? Look, I know that I'm supposed to be merciful and all but there are limits to even MY patiences. Look, I let you in but you are on probation, be good, read the rules and follow them and for MY Sake .... stay away from the TWINS!!!" :D

Re: Bernard Pivot Questionnaire

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:22 pm
by Count de Money
What's your favorite word? Potential. It speaks to hope everlasting.

What is your least favorite word? Rape. There's nothing funny about it.

What turns you on? Well-written stories. They always have, and they always will.

What turns you off? Intolerance. Everyone has skeletons in their closets -- why do some people feel the need to drag them out?

What sound or noise do you love? Children's laughter. Little kids' laughter doesn't come from irony or sarcasm. They're truly happy.

What sound or noise do you hate? People brushing their teeth. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me.

What is your favorite curse word? God flame it! I like it because I made it up.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? Storm chaser would be exciting. Facing my fears and whatnot.

What profession would you not like to attempt? Spider wrangler. That's one fear I don't want to look in the eye -- or 8 eyes.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? I've thought about this one quite a bit since I first heard the Pivot questionnaire. Honestly, nothing. I would hope God would wrap me up in the biggest, warmest, safest, most caring hug in the universe, and I'd know I've reached my final reward.

Re: Bernard Pivot Questionnaire

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:25 pm
by Lighthawk
What's your favorite word?:Hope or love; there's something about such tiny, simple words being used to convey such monumentally important concepts

What is your least favorite word?:Cunt; it just sounds ugly and I've never heard it used except in an ugly way

What turns you on?: A good laugh, joy, happiness, eagerness...warm and friendly emotions I guess

What turns you off?: Self entitlement

What sound or noise do you love?:...The squeaky meow of a kitten

What sound or noise do you hate?: Whimpering

What is your favorite curse word?: Balls, but it has to be said with the right amount of scorn and weariness.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?:Some kind of craftsman, anything that would let me build with my hands

What profession would you not like to attempt?: Food anything service

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?:What my purpose was and whether I achieved it.

Re: Bernard Pivot Questionnaire

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:15 pm
by MuchachoNL
What's your favorite word?: Supercalifragilisticexpialidotious

What is your least favorite word?: Cancer... Here in the Netherlands people use it to cuss... very weird tradition... Dutch-only: cussing with diseases.
But kids these days are using it as a superlative for just about anything... good AND bad... If someone hates you: they call you cancer-patient... if someone REALLY likes you they say: "Dude, you're cancer-dope!"
Doesn't sound right at all.

What turns you on?: Cute face and very cute character with naughty bits. Like a timid girl who whispers in your ear how they'd love to go down on you..... rawr.

What turns you off?: Bitchiness, arrogance.

What sound or noise do you love?:The squeaky meow of a kitten <--- That (Stole it from Lighthawk :ymblushing:) and the cash register in my head that goes cha-ching! when I see my salary deposited :p

What sound or noise do you hate?: Nails on a chalkboard.

What is your favorite curse word?: Poop... translated from Dutch ("Kak" (say it as you would say "Fuck", but with a K)) it has a good relieving character for the hard 'K' sounds... "fuck" is almost just as relieving but not quite enough as a good heartily "Kak!".

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?: Psychiatry. Since I'm basically an non-payed an not schooled psychiatrist to a few of my friends (and better at it than the educated psychiatrist they visit -_-').
Or male prostitute :ymdevil:

What profession would you not like to attempt?: Surgeon... can't cut up people/animals.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?:How many centuries of walking the Earth can I get for acknowledging You? (A)

Re: Bernard Pivot Questionnaire

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:07 pm
by Artemisia
What's your favorite word? Moist. I love the sound of that word and all it can imply.

What is your least favorite word? I don't know.