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04-07-2014 [VC] Garlic Tipped

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 6:09 am
by Passing Through ... lic_tipped

So the heretic is a sadist as well eh?

Re: 04-07-2014 [VC] Garlic Tipped

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 6:21 am
by Azrael
How do you figure heretic? Looks like he's doing what the Church would consider good work to me.

Re: 04-07-2014 [VC] Garlic Tipped

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 7:24 am
by GearaDoga
...Things the Church considers "good work", especially in earlier time periods... Are not generally good things.

Re: 04-07-2014 [VC] Garlic Tipped

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 7:57 am
by MonCappy
Am I a perv for hoping Lorna's dress to be torn a bit further? :-? Why yes, yes I am. :-Q

Re: 04-07-2014 [VC] Garlic Tipped

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 8:43 am
by Azrael
GearaDoga wrote:...Things the Church considers "good work", especially in earlier time periods... Are not generally good things.

All things for the good of the immortal soul, my son. *sign of the cross* :ymdevil:

Re: 04-07-2014 [VC] Garlic Tipped

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 9:53 am
by archie
I'm not sure why I'm surprised by the posts on these last few strips. The general consensus in this fandom seems to be that you can do no wrong as long as you're a sexy member of the fairer sex. Goes double if you're not human.

Let's think back to Heather. Shortly after being turned, she gorged herself on a whole sports team. And she was just being a pig, whereas Lori here was just sucked nearly dry by Suki, so I'd say she's REALLY honkering for some blood right about now.

The guys Heather bit were all unconscious as well, which suggests around 40%+ blood loss. If not fatal, this level of blood loss causes the victim's skin to turn pale and cool, much like a corpse's. The cheerleaders managed to cover it up, sure, but I doubt Lori has a bottle of suntan lotion around this time. So we have a vampire or two running around, and a whole bunch of dead looking folks. What's going to happen when those dead looking folks start recovering? Worst case scenario, Lori & Emma sucked dry and killed several people. Even worse worst case scenario, the muggles think Lori turned them as well, which means several innocent people are about to get staked trough the heart. So, nice going Lori!

Of course, this is just an extreme speculation. As is people saying that the "psycho" mob after Lori & Emma were the ones who started the fire. We don't know what happened yet, who set the fire or why, or what Lori did to deserve to be hunted like this. But we do know that vampires are predators, and humans are their prey. So can you really blame them for going after the girls? I know if someone came around and started to use me and my friends as food, I'd be inclined to send a crossbow bolt or two at their way.

Re: 04-07-2014 [VC] Garlic Tipped

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 3:52 pm
by Zafnak
Am I the only one to hear that guy's scream as the Wilhelm Scream?

Re: 04-07-2014 [VC] Garlic Tipped

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 9:17 pm
by Hurbster
Just waiting on the explanation that makes the vampires all cuddly-wuddly and fuzzy and the mean 'ol Priest being the bad guy because maybe he doesn't like vampires preying on the living or something.

Re: 04-07-2014 [VC] Garlic Tipped

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:42 pm
by Sk'thloq
Hey, I've got a radical idea: Why don't we wait until we know more about what's going on before we make any judgments?

Re: 04-07-2014 [VC] Garlic Tipped

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:55 pm
by Hyper Magi
MonCappy wrote:Am I a perv for hoping Lorna's dress to be torn a bit further? :-? Why yes, yes I am. :-Q
Nothing wrong with that. :P

But yeah, maybe this is a time before Lori got her "Don't piss off the humans by killing them" beliefs. Like I've argued before, we humans will absolutely be comfortable with wiping out an entire species for killing just a few of us(Think of all those Space Marine movies/games where you take out countless aliens and compare to the number of human casualties...)

Re: 04-07-2014 [VC] Garlic Tipped

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:15 am
by Passing Through
Azrael wrote:How do you figure heretic? Looks like he's doing what the Church would consider good work to me.
Well he's preaching hate and organising murders, that's two reasons. As for the Good Lord's opinion on the subject...
archie wrote:I'm not sure why I'm surprised by the posts on these last few strips. The general consensus in this fandom seems to be that you can do no wrong as long as you're a sexy member of the fairer sex. Goes double if you're not human.

Let's think back to Heather. Shortly after being turned, she gorged herself on a whole sports team. And she was just being a pig, whereas Lori here was just sucked nearly dry by Suki, so I'd say she's REALLY honkering for some blood right about now.

The guys Heather bit were all unconscious as well, which suggests around 40%+ blood loss. If not fatal, this level of blood loss causes the victim's skin to turn pale and cool, much like a corpse's. The cheerleaders managed to cover it up, sure, but I doubt Lori has a bottle of suntan lotion around this time. So we have a vampire or two running around, and a whole bunch of dead looking folks. What's going to happen when those dead looking folks start recovering? Worst case scenario, Lori & Emma sucked dry and killed several people. Even worse worst case scenario, the muggles think Lori turned them as well, which means several innocent people are about to get staked trough the heart. So, nice going Lori!

Of course, this is just an extreme speculation. As is people saying that the "psycho" mob after Lori & Emma were the ones who started the fire. We don't know what happened yet, who set the fire or why, or what Lori did to deserve to be hunted like this. But we do know that vampires are predators, and humans are their prey. So can you really blame them for going after the girls? I know if someone came around and started to use me and my friends as food, I'd be inclined to send a crossbow bolt or two at their way.
What were you expecting, a hotbed of mortism?

Heather was drained completely dry, then turned into a vampire, just like Lori, that's how it works. No one died during her 'rampage'. And Lori's coven/cotorie/squad/whatevs doesn't kill people.

There is no evidence of piles of naked, unconcious guys being left around to frighten the horses. I'm shocked that you'd blame Lori for murders carried out by a band of psychos while they were trying to muder her, that's like blaming Sarah Connor for the people the Terminator killed while going down the list.

Yes I can blame them, vamprisim isn't against the law, it doesn't require killing people and if any crimes were, in fact, committed prior to the psychos running riot, that'd be something for the courts to deal with, not a group of vampiricidal maniacs. Oh and as for the flames, seeing as Lori and Emma were having to run across the tops of burning buildings, in order to make their escape from the blood crazed lunatics and the maniacs in question were lying in wait...

Re: 04-07-2014 [VC] Garlic Tipped

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:20 am
by Tython
Actually Heather wasn't fully drained when she attacked the football team. She had melons first as practice for Lori's rules and then fed on her parents after which she thralled them and used them for her pleasure. No she drained the football team because she was a blood thirsty monster and wanted more since it looked like she was getting off from drinking the blood.

Also we still have no idea who started what and the exact amount of time that had passed between when Lori woke up and now. For all we know yes Lori started a massive feeding frenzy starting with Emma which led to her being turned into a vampire and caused a panic thus the town requested the hunters to come and take care of the problem after all 2 out of control vampires could led to the complete destruction of the town. Lori could have also started the fire in order to block the path of hunters and cause general chaos so as to make her and Emma's escape easier.

There is also no evidence that they haven't killed a massive amount of people because we are limited to a very small section of the town.

Also yes there are zealots within religious orders however not all of them are that fanatical that they would murder a whole town to get there targets your obviously playing onto a stereotype that all vampire hunters from the church are fanatics that will kill anyone in there path to get the targets.

Re: 04-07-2014 [VC] Garlic Tipped

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:58 am
by Sk'thloq
I see my pleas have gone ignored. Once again, people are taking this comic too seriously. 8-|

Re: 04-07-2014 [VC] Garlic Tipped

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 8:19 am
by Farmer_10
Anytime a predator attacks a human being, the fucking thing gets put down. So yes, while there aren't laws against vampirism (stupid argument BTW), humanity as a whole has a standard response for when something tries to prey on us.

And @Sk'thloq
I don't take it too seriously. I just hate vampires and relish the opportunity to talk smack about them, plus I love the sound of my own digital voice.

Re: 04-07-2014 [VC] Garlic Tipped

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 12:59 pm
by Hurbster
Sk'thloq wrote:I see my pleas have gone ignored. Once again, people are taking this comic too seriously. 8-|
Pretty sure it's just one guy taking over from wossname.