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Re: Halloween Spooktacular Stories and Art Contest

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:12 am
by MuchachoNL

The House of the Dead
September 26th, 2010.
Before I start to write down this story I need to fill you in on the background and the Legend of The House of the Dead.
You see, a big mansion up the hill in Dutch Street has long been vacant, and time did it no good.
It was worn down and had a very eerie look about it.
They called it The House of the Dead.
You see, legend goes that a wealthy family used to live there.
And the Olsen family was a big one... 20 family-members lived there: Husband and wife with both their parents, brothers with their wives, sisters with their husbands, and of course, all of their kids.
And all of a sudden, on Hallow's Eve of 1510 the family had a surprise guest.
A man had come past the mansion and his horse mysteriously died upon him, the poor animal just collapsed while carrying him.
Or so they were told.
The Olsens were a very generous bunch, and the mansion was big enough to have a free guest-room or two.
The Olsens saw nothing strange in the fact that a horse would collapse underneath a man, and they even offered him a horse.
Looking around the house, the stranger replied with "Thanks for the offer, but it appears my traveling is about to end" and a diabolical snickering escaped from his throat.
The poor Olsens never stood a chance.
Precisely at midnight the stranger lunged a knife he found in the kitchen in the chest of Mr. Olsen.
He died quickly, but painfully.
He then bit Mrs. Olsen in the neck while the rest of the house was sound asleep.
Every room, one by one, he killed all the men in the house, and bit every woman.
Granpda and Grandma Olsen died of a heart-attack when they saw what the stranger did to the kids.
He didn't just kill them or turn them, no... he had such hatred for kids that he tore them apart, limb from limb.
Grandma and Grandpa woke up from the noise and they went to check on the oldest grandson, since his room was closest to theirs.
Their hearts stopped beating the second they saw the horror that unfolded before their very eyes.
The stranger had just ripped open Johnny's throat to stop him from screaming and tore off his last remaining limb.
He drank the blood that was gushing from Johnny's throat, and Johnny's look was one filled with terror and helplessness.
A few moments later Johnny died, and that was the last of the Olsen's.
Every other adult woman in their house started to scream in agony when the undead venom hit their heart and made it stop beating.
Moments later they rised and unwillingly followed The Stranger as his undead brides.
They did everything he told them, because of the Blood Bond between them.
The women buried everybody else in the front yard and put wooden poles in the ground to mark their graves.
Crosses would've destroyed them in their weak state, even wooden crosses, so poles would have to do.
And for 500 years, The Stranger and his bride were supposedly living in the mansion, draining the blood from everyone who'd dare to come disturb their slumber.
The biggest feast they had has always been on Hallow's Eve: where they would kidnap 13 virgin girls from the village to drink their blood and drain them completely.
For virgin blood would give them the power they needed for the hibernation.
Every 50 years they went into hibernation for another 50 years to repeat the cycle all over again.
And each hibernation had a different vampire to guard the rest, and kill anyone who'd enter the mansion.

It has been 500 years since that faithful day, and according to the legend, the vampires should awake this Saturday at Halloween.

This is what happened last Halloween:

Charlie and his friends in class used to dare each other every Saturday night in to stealing the wind chime that was hanging on the porch.
They all heard the legend, and every time they set foot on the lawn, cold shivers would run down their spines and they'd chicken out after setting the next step.
Charlie was the 'bravest' and made it up to 10 steps into the lawn when an owl hooted and he shat his pants.
Charlie was 14.
Charlie never was the popular kid in school, but he got along with just about anyone.
That year on Halloween, it was Charlie's turn to get the wind chime off from the porch.
And everybody was rooting him on, even his girlfriend Sarah.
He had it so bad for her, he'd do anything, so he went up there and fetch the wind chime.
During his walk to the front porch he started to hear the cheers from his friends more faint, and the beating of his heart louder with every step he took.
It was Tandareal's guard-shift.
Tandareal heard the ruckus outside the doors every week and she said to herself that whenever one of them set foot on the porch, they'd be hers.
Master taught her that human children were obnoxious little creatures and they'd best be off being ripped apart and sucked dry.
Master's theory behind that was that if they accidentally weren't sucked dry, they wouldn't be any trouble since they had no limbs to crawl out of their graves.
He once said: "Think about the annoyance of a child's behavior... and picture yourself dealing with that for 50 years at a time! They're better off dead."
Vampire children couldn't hibernate for 50 years because they process the blood much and much faster.
They'd have to be fed on a regularly basis.
So she watched the little cretins with growing hatred as their 'leader' walked towards the house.
When he finally got there he got the scare of his life.
Tandariël dragged him inside and closed the door before he could even see what happened.
Sarah only saw Charlie dissapear into the doorway as if the house itself just ate him and she screamed.
Some kids ran away screaming.
Sarah recovered quickly and started to walk towards the front porch.
The others tried to reason with her, but she insisted.
"I can't leave Charlie in there... we HAVE to help him, he's our friend!"
To her astonishment the biggest bully in school, Dave replied:"She's right, Charlie needs our help"
Some agreed, some disagreed and went home, scared shitless.
Ultimately there were 5 kids left: Sarah, Dave, Tommy, Tucker and me: Susan.

It took a moment for us to adjust our eyes to the darkness, but we quickly discovered that the mansion looked bigger from the inside than it did from the outside.
"Weird..." muttered Dave.
Tucker's squeaky voice echoed through the hall: “What is?"
They all fringed and Dave gave him a knuckle to the shoulder: "Quiet down, you twirp!
It's strange that this house looks in good shape from the inside but from the outside I'd swear I saw big gaping holes in the walls."
-"Now that you mention it," Tommy said, "this place DOES look too good to be over 500 years old".
The main hall was very dusty, and from dark corners we saw glowing little eyes looking at us, but everything was still intact.
A big double stairwell winded up to the second floor at each side of the hall, with big paintings alongside it.
Straight ahead there were three doors one in each staircase and one straight forward, and that one was slightly ajar.
We saw a faint light coming from the doorway while everything else was dark.
We decided to enter that door and see if Charlie was there.
While walking over I caught a glimpse of a small boy at the top of the stairs.
And when I told Tommy and pointed to the place, the boy was gone.
"It must've been your imagination, Susan"
-"But I..."
"Quiet, you two!" muttered Dave.
I thought back about the sad look upon the kid's face and a cold shiver ran down my spine.
A faint "Heeeeelp uuuuusssssss" in the back of my head made me turn around and I saw that little boy again, only now he was at the bottom of the stairs.
When I took a step towards the small boy a vision of blood and dismembered limbs flashed before my eyes and I ran back towards the others.
Just in time to see Tandareal rip Dave apart in something that resembled a kitchen.
All the others were already on the floor and Charlie’s head was sitting on the kitchentable, expression in pure terror.
I turned around and ran as fast as I could.
While running I saw more and more ghost-like appearances and it was back home when I realised who the last five were: Dave, Charlie, Tommy, Tucker and Sarah.
All that year I was haunted by nightmares about the five of them being ripped apart, and in one of those nightmares that small boy appeared.
“Please, help us… We’re trapped in the in-between and can not get our rest. We were butchered by these unholy creatures and their resting place needs to be burned to the ground with them in it… it’s the only way and you have until next Saturday at midnight. They will wake up and kill half of the town when they hear of the kids who dared to enter their mansion. Please help us… kill them… please”
I now know all about them and I am finding out how to kill them.
I have not much time left, only four more weeks.
Will you help me kill those bastards?
If I won’t do anything, the nightmares will make me kill myself.
All of my former classmates who were there that night already did.
Meet me in the mansion in two weeks: Saturday, October 16th.
We NEED to end this, or they’ll suck the blood of 13 Virgin girls and kill any who oppose them.

This was a diary entry of Susan and was on hundreds of pamphlets that she spread out in the last few weeks.
Nobody ever has seen her since, and nobody went to the Mansion.
Boys in their senior year dared each other to go up to the Mansion at Halloween to test Susan’s story for truth.
Will it be another ghost-story, or will they meet their horrid doom?
They’ll find out soon enough.


Happy Halloween to all!

Re: Halloween Spooktacular Stories and Art Contest

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:36 pm
by Engy
From your contact over at TF Industries, an Engy production, engineered to perfection.

I think that everyone has had at least one Valentine's Day card that freaked the hell out of you. Maybe the text was creepy, the card itself, or perhaps it's sender. Well, I collected 6 cards that had combined all three for overall creepiness. Enjoy!

(Press the image to see the even bigger version)

The Models are from left 4 Dead 2. I have personally extracted them to Blender, posed them and then took pictures. The hearts have been plucked from the web. The bloody font is Cold Night for Alligators as found on

Re: Halloween Spooktacular Stories and Art Contest

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 8:57 pm
by Kamino Neko

Re: Halloween Spooktacular Stories and Art Contest

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:42 pm
by Don Alexander
Well, I don't have the time to cook up a story right now...

So I'll just hark back to an old classic, which quite a few of you probably do not know...

Here is my reading of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven":

New linky-link

Please note, this will only be up for a limited time! :)

Warning: 9 minutes long! (Blame Poe)

Re: Halloween Spooktacular Stories and Art Contest **VOTE NOW!**

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:33 am
by Don Alexander
Voting is up! :ymparty: