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"What Would You Do To Win A Ma3 Contest". Vote now!

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 9:30 pm
by Dirty n Evil
The Entry Period is now Closed and voting has started! You have 2 Votes each to decide!

The "What Would You Do To Win a Ma3 Forum Contest?" Contest!!!

Contest entries will be accepted from August 4th until August 25th. Voting begins August 26th until August 31st.

How does this work? The entries into this contest will offer up some action with some tie to the comic that they will carry through if just to win an Ma3 contest. If they are voted to win, then they have to carry out whatever 'bid' they made to win the contest. This is a goofy fun contest, so no actions that are potentially harmful or dangerous will be accepted. If photo documentation of carrying through with said action is possible, it is encouraged in order to share with the rest of the forum a good laugh. If not possible, a post by the winner describing the experience of what they've pledged to carry through is minimumally required - we are all friends here, so we'll trust you to be honest. Remember that it's your fellow forumites that are voting on this as well, so something clearly outrageous and unlikely to be verified can also be passed over for votes.

This is a contest intended to encourage people to have fun and be silly, so naturally something to the extreme of "I will get a tattoo of the Ma3 logo on my buttocks" while humorous is a bit permanent and thus discouraged. Writing it in marker on your bum and posting the picture? Better. This can be a unisex contest, meaning there's no cause to run two seperate polls due to gender.

Rules & Guidelines:

1. Only one entry per person
2. Remember that this is a contest for the forum, and as such entries are encouraged to be tied in to events or characters in the Ma3 comic strip.

This sort of contest is meant to be fun for everyone, because even if you win... to a degree, you lose. =)) Have fun and good luck!

The prize for winning will be the name color and rank title of choice and a fancy winners badge. This thread for entry's only. Please keep all discussion/questions/comments to the relevant discussion thread.

Re: "What Would You Do To Win A Ma3 Contest" Entry Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:32 pm
by Azrael
I guess I'll kick this pig:

I would actually find a way to post a pic of myself. What? You said what Frankie? It has to tie in with the comic? :-? about because I'm like Rob and don't like to be seen?

Re: "What Would You Do To Win A Ma3 Contest" Entry Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:45 pm
by Lilianna

Part One: The Idea (Lilianna)
"Hmm... I need a good idea for this contest... maybe... maybe I could convince one of the boys to pull a Dillon and dress up as a woman? Not good enough! Ooh, I know! Dress up as DiDi!"

Part Two: The Follow-Through (ExplodingJoe)
"I do so solemnly swear to dress up as DiDi, complete with before and after pictures, if you vote for this entry."

Re: "What Would You Do To Win A Ma3 Contest" Entry Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:03 pm
by Dirty n Evil
The Official Bid of the Evil-Mod:

If I am voted to win this contest, I swear that I will take a photo of myself re-enacting this pose from Ma3...


... and posting it on these boards. :-o :D

Re: "What Would You Do To Win A Ma3 Contest" Entry Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:02 am
by cyanide_sweet
Well, since the current theme appears to be cross-dressing... and since I have the brilliant idea of entering with the FIRST thing that comes to mind... if I win this contest I will dress up as Gary and post the picture on the board! ;;)

Re: "What Would You Do To Win A Ma3 Contest" Entry Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:06 am
by Asaryu
I'm pretty sure MS is willing, so here goes! I'm going to regret this, I can tell.

MS and I, when we see each other in December, will recreate the flower and the bee costumes from this strip. Me as the flower, him as the bee.


Re: "What Would You Do To Win A Ma3 Contest" Entry Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:48 pm
by Don Alexander
*screeches in, tires smoking*

This is all Teach's fault, it was her idea!!! =))


If I win this contest, I will shave my chest. At least parts of it. Leaving the Ma3 logo standing!!! And of course henceforth provide pictorial evidence of said deed.

Now go vote for someone else :P

Re: "What Would You Do To Win A Ma3 Contest" Entry Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:22 pm
by Fen
If I win this contest i will make a long, long, tribute song to ma3 and everyone on this forum. I will then record it while wearing girly clothes, make up and maybe even a wig(if I can find one). Perchance even some female friends scantily dressed in the background for extra fanservice. And, of course, a shirtless guy for Don.