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Re: 03-04-15 Spying on what Dillon gets up to

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:19 pm
by Milnoc
brasca wrote:
Milnoc wrote:Wait until Zii finds out Dillon's partner was a construction worker! =))
Wait until Zii finds out she's already been with said construction worker.
Crap! I forgot about that!

Re: 03-04-15 Spying on what Dillon gets up to

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:56 pm
by Razmos
I'm enjoying Ruby and Zii together.

Re: 03-04-15 Spying on what Dillon gets up to

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 6:12 pm
by brasca
Motorcycle wrote:Oddly enough, I see Zii being good for Ruby. Will help her realize that there is nothing wrong with her sexuality & otherwise get healthy with it. Also, Ruby fears being mocked for it & while that is the farthest from what Zii will do, she's also not gonna walk on eggshells & be above a little playful snarking. Which will be good for Ruby as well.
They could be mutually beneficial since Zii could use a level headed friend, however, I still worry this could all fall through quickly enough too. If Ruby could understand that a moderate sex life is not a slippery slop into porn then she could overcome this mental stumbling block. The problem is Zii's libertine life is not without consequences. Her music career might be further along if she toned things down and if Ruby thinks that even a slight relaxation of self control could lead to chaos it will only strengthen her resistance.

Re: 03-04-15 Spying on what Dillon gets up to

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 6:44 pm
by Cortez
Artemisia wrote:I don't know...I'm thinking that Sgt. Slash-n-Stab would be in there just before Zii passes to make the offer...and given life as a succubus would so fit Zii's personality...
I don't know. Zii isn't malicious, i don't think she'd enjoy draining and killing people to survive.

Re: 03-04-15 Spying on what Dillon gets up to

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 8:29 pm
by tanonev
Man, Zii knows all the right questions to ask, both the breakthrough kind and the breakdown kind :P (and she's almost certainly also asked the breakup kind at some point)

Re: 03-04-15 Spying on what Dillon gets up to

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 8:38 pm
by Dalai Rasta
brasca wrote:slippery slop
A "slippery slop"? Is that a Freudian slope...slop...SLIP!!!

Re: 03-04-15 Spying on what Dillon gets up to

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:47 pm
by Don Alexander
brasca wrote:a slippery slop into porn
That's a special kind of fetish right there, ladies and gents! :))

Panel 3: Minew commiserates.

... and is STILL being ignored by Zii...

Anyway, one cat is definitely out of the bag, but isn't the other one also out? Looks like she's in Ruby's coat pocket...

Re: 03-04-15 Spying on what Dillon gets up to

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:11 pm
by Spidrift
brasca wrote:Since they are going out to get coffee at a presumably familiar place I wonder if they will run into a certain waitress with denial issues too.
(Called that twist, by the way.)

It is very possible that they'll run into Sonya, which could lead to all sorts of complications. ("Aren't you the bass player?" "How did you know that?"); I could imagine, say, Sonya taking Ruby for a romantic rival, trying to intimidate her, and failing totally, because Ruby isn't Kiley. But I kind of hope that Sonya isn't there, because she'd be a big Ma3-flavoured distraction, when the interaction between Ruby and Zii should be quite interesting enough.

However, if they get Allie as their waitress, and proceed to say a lot of accidentally ambiguous things, expect at least one coffee pot to bite the dust.
Cortez wrote:Isn't Zii being hypocritical?
Not really. She's not actually saying that spying on Dillon would be a despicable thing to do in panel 2b; she's just guessing, correctly, that Ruby would consider it despicable. Then, when she realises that Ruby has done that, in panel 4a, she treats it as a naughty joke rather than a real crime - which is mostly Zii being Zii, but is also about the most tactful thing she can do, because it's telling Ruby that her behaviour was generally harmless, just fit to be teased, rather than truly bad.

Also, Ruby considers Dillon to be not a bad person. When she thinks about it.

Re: 03-04-15 Spying on what Dillon gets up to

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 5:21 am
by Cortez
It still is creepy to spy on people making out though. Unless they consent to it, but then it wouldn't be spying.

Re: 03-04-15 Spying on what Dillon gets up to

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 6:08 am
by Spidrift
True, although people are generally more laid back about this sort of thing in the Ma3 universe than in real life. (They have to be; if people responded really realistically to all these sex comedy shenanigans, the comic would be a maelstrom of fist fights, broken friendships, and nervous breakdowns.) Other characters don't generally appreciate being spied on by Zii, and she doesn't expect them to. (Bringing popcorn is definitely pushing her luck.) But sneaking a look or being amused and turned on by something overheard or glimpsed is at worst just fairly normal human misbehaviour, not really evil, and Zii can and should reassure Ruby about that. Planting hidden video cameras would be over the line...

Incidentally, I don't imagine that most people would even mention the idea of spying on Dillon when reassuring Ruby as here. But of course Zii does, because it's the sort of thing she'd do. Comedy irony...

So, next strip - will Zii be trying to calm Ruby down over coffee, or will she be too intent on getting a detailed description of what Ruby saw?

Re: 03-04-15 Spying on what Dillon gets up to

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 9:46 am
by Schmorgluck
Oh, my. It looks like Zii decided to mentor Ruby a bit. That's very nice of her, really. I think she's read Ruby very accurately, and sensed internal conflict that she finds unhealthy.

Zii has shown tendancies to be very self-centered at times, but not always, and I think she really means to help Ruby right now.

Whether she'll be good at it and Ruby will accept it is up in the air.

Re: 03-04-15 Spying on what Dillon gets up to

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:36 am
by crimzontearz
Ok....I have the feeling this is going to end with Ruby getting a job as a writer of yaoi

Re: 03-04-15 Spying on what Dillon gets up to

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 11:07 am
by Bambikles
Schmorgluck wrote:Whether she'll be good at it
If she's as good as she's been in being Gary's wing girl, then I'm suddenly feeling quite afraid for Ruby.

Re: 03-04-15 Spying on what Dillon gets up to

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 1:44 pm
by Spidrift
Except that the one thing she arguably did do for Gary - provide him with a bit of reassurance and confidence - is the one thing that Ruby needs most just now.

Zii is a seducer who's good at conveying the idea that a bit of relaxed hedonism isn't always a bad thing. If she can get that through to Ruby, it'll be a huge boon.

Re: 03-04-15 Spying on what Dillon gets up to

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 4:47 pm
by wm247
Maybe Zii would end up corrupting Ruby, just like she successfully corrupted her big sis back then? :))

Think about it, Amber was once so shy and innocent.... but once Zii had gone all the way with her, she ended up pursuing career in porn industry (for a while). :ymdevil:

Now, Ruby... I don't know. Maybe she'll give her the 'right push' to become a yaoi writer... or is it a bit too much if Zii also seduces Ruby and both end up on the same bed? (albeit not that far-fetched seeing Zii's track record). =))