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Re: 04-12-15 Sad little drama queen

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:52 pm
by Hogan
Damn... and here I was all set to present the Drama-Queen of the Year Award, and then they have to go and make it a draw... :-\

Re: 04-12-15 Sad little drama queen

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:22 pm
by Artemisia
cedar wrote:It's really concerning that Angel uses what looks like an ace bandage to bind their chest and not a proper binder, using ace bandages leads to some really severe health problems sometimes :( It's really disappointing every time I see media that depicts it and doesnt point out its harmfulness, it should be noted that it's extremely dangerous
Unfortunately, not all gender fluid or trans men out there know that either. While a lot is being done to spread the information about binders, it isn't as known as it should be. So, I took it as Angel not really knowing.

But, I am glad to see Giz now knows more about it and hopefully in the future Angel will know better :)

Re: 04-12-15 Sad little drama queen

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:06 pm
by LegendaryKroc
Spidrift wrote:It would appear that these three are hell-bent on confirming Ruby's belief that relationships are more trouble than they're worth. One wonders if she'll step in to talk them down once they've slowed down enough to remove the danger of a stray backswing to the face, or whether she'll just sit down for a nice chat with Ramona. And it's nice to see someone telling Dillon that he's a sad little drama queen.
Well, I wouldn't say they're more trouble than they're worth, but relationships sure are easy to complicate/ruin if you have a strong interest in casual sex and a tendency not to think things through. That's a description that Zii matches, and Matt as well, and neither mixes well with Dillon and Angel being extremely possessive of Jerzy and jealous of other people he has relationships - or even just, ahem, "relations" - with. Ruby might take this as confirmation of her belief, though, since I'm sure she's still only getting a partial backstory of what went on between these three (and Jerzy).
Spidrift wrote:Well, it looks like he only just found out about it - and Zii made a perfectly good point about why it shouldn't be an issue. Dillon has his faults, but jealousy over someone's distant past history isn't one of them.
He would have to know about said distant past history to be jealous of it in the first place and as you said he didn't. Still, that's at least a point in his favour, one supposes, and Powers know he could use a few.
Spidrift' wrote:"Whore" isn't a term of abuse that many characters sling around in these comic. Aside from being especially nasty and a bit misogynistic, well, very few of them could use it of each other without looking amazingly hypocritical.
More than that, given that this comic is a spinoff of a sex comedy-type web-comic, slut-shaming would also be hypocritical for them to do... if written as a way to frame sexual promiscuity in a negative light to the audience, that is; at the moment, looks like it's being used is a way to demonstate, as long-time readers will already know, that Angel is a jerk, regardless of what gender he/she/xe is. :)
Spidrift wrote:(I do wonder if Ruby might throw it at Amber, if she got really, really angry. She is one of the few characters here who can claim to take sexual continence - well, female sexual continence - at all seriously, and her issues with Amber are tied up with Amber being in the sex industry. It'd make Ruby look bad, but it'd also tell Amber that Ruby really doesn't think like her.)
"Whore" might be too strong a word even for angry!Ruby, but I imagine you're correct about whatever insults she would hurl being sexually charged in nature.
Spidrift wrote:To be fair, Angel is looking increasingly feminine in this strip. Showing more skin means showing more of her slender figure, and she's dropped that cool androgynous facial expression in the excitement of the brawl. And of course, all three of these characters are fighting like girls. It'll be a wonder if any of them have any hair left by the end of the evening.
Kind of to be expected, all things considered - the ambiguity of Angel's gender has been (as I perceive it #disclaimer) partially because of xer wardrobe, which was hardly form-fitting prior to the SHOCKING REVELATION; the hairstyle certainly helped. Right now, we're seeing Angel without a loose-fitting to muddy the water - on the other hand, could we all be looking for xer displaying feminine traits because we now know that xe was born a girl? (A genderfluid girl, but still) Regardless, Angel's bod certainly has a distinctly androgynous build - no ripped pectorals and six-pack, no massive tits and hourglass figure. I imagine said build is ultimately to xer advantage, since it makes switching gender-based "looks" easier.
'J' wrote:And Angel totally has a point in panel 2 there, even if she's taking a totally cheap shot in panel 3.
Agreed. Angel didn't exactly help matters with xer behaviour at the time, but dressing up like a girl and secretly spying on Jerzy, then getting clingy over that "Jerzy hug" (which looks to have been a perfectly innocent gesture of comfort and, for that matter, given cheer up a friend who was distinctly down in the dumps and who was, and still is, very dear to him) is Dillon's own doing. None of the three central figures in this love triangle are really in the right, though.

Re: 04-12-15 Sad little drama queen

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:11 pm
by ninjazxeleven
Shouri, I am very happy and grateful that you are getting new strips out more quickly. Thanks for hard work and dedication to your strip. It is greatly appreciated, even if you don't always hear it in the forums. I think the current plotline must have fired your creative juices!

Re: 04-12-15 Sad little drama queen

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:38 pm
by Spidrift
LegendaryKroc wrote:Well, I wouldn't say they're more trouble than they're worth, but relationships sure are easy to complicate/ruin if you have a strong interest in casual sex and a tendency not to think things through. That's a description that Zii matches, and Matt as well, and neither mixes well with Dillon and Angel being extremely possessive of Jerzy and jealous of other people he has relationships - or even just, ahem, "relations" - with. Ruby might take this as confirmation of her belief, though, since I'm sure she's still only getting a partial backstory of what went on between these three (and Jerzy).
Ruby's negative opinion of relationships is just routine pre-adolescent naivety. (If you think about it, Ruby is currently going through adolescence - five or ten years late, and at an accelerated pace, but in a very conventional form, really.) Twelve-year-olds are forever saying "Boys/Girls, ugh, why bother?". Ruby will doubtless get over that as she concludes that hanging out with Andy and the occasional kiss is kind of fun, really, but she's not there yet - and if she needs rhetorical ammunition for her current opinion, well, these three have just handed her a few spare clips.
LegendaryKroc wrote:More than that, given that this comic is a spinoff of a sex comedy-type web-comic, slut-shaming would also be hypocritical for them to do...
Uh, yes, that's what I said. The general atmosphere of all these comics means that slut-shaming by any of the characters is usually hypocritical and certainly marks them down as jerks.
LegendaryKroc wrote:if written as a way to frame sexual promiscuity in a negative light to the audience, that is; at the moment, looks like it's being used is a way to demonstate, as long-time readers will already know, that Angel is a jerk, regardless of what gender he/she/xe is.
Well yes. But Ruby is probably about the only other person who's likely to go there (unless we ever see Nathan's wife, who'd have her own reasons to sling that word around), and she has specific issues that would make such a scene a bit more complicated. I don't think that the comics are going to suggest that sex is bad, but they might come to show that it involves more emotional complications than some of the characters allow, and mis-handled, it can lead to trouble.
LegendaryKroc wrote:"Whore" might be too strong a word even for angry!Ruby, but I imagine you're correct about whatever insults she would hurl being sexually charged in nature.
The issue she has with Amber looks more complicated every time it comes up, but sex is mixed up in it, of course. Even a much more sexually relaxed Ruby might choose to blame Amber for making it difficult for her to deal with adolescence.

(One might also imagine their parents using that word, incidentally, if Amber's worries about telling them about her career prove justified.)
LegendaryKroc wrote:Kind of to be expected, all things considered - the ambiguity of Angel's gender has been (as I perceive it #disclaimer) partially because of xer wardrobe, which was hardly form-fitting prior to the SHOCKING REVELATION; the hairstyle certainly helped.
Which reminds me; anyone want to take bets on how long it will be before Dillon notices that Angel has breasts?
LegendaryKroc wrote:None of the three central figures in this love triangle are really in the right, though.
Dillon is an idiot drama queen, Angel is idiotically clingy, and Jerzy needs to get over his addiction to screwing idiots.

Funnily enough, it's Zii comes out of all this looking okay. Right from the start, she apparently had no reason to know that having sex with Jerzy would cause Angel to go all bursar, and in this scene, she's persistently talking sense. Well, shouting sense, anyway.

Re: 04-12-15 Sad little drama queen

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:16 pm
by brasca
Spidrift wrote:
LegendaryKroc wrote:More than that, given that this comic is a spinoff of a sex comedy-type web-comic, slut-shaming would also be hypocritical for them to do...
Uh, yes, that's what I said. The general atmosphere of all these comics means that slut-shaming by any of the characters is usually hypocritical and certainly marks them down as jerks.
This is a brawl. Harpy and jezebel is not going to cut it. At any rate it is an inaccurate insult because even though Zii is promiscuous she would not have sex with someone to get something out of it.
Spidrift wrote:
LegendaryKroc wrote:Kind of to be expected, all things considered - the ambiguity of Angel's gender has been (as I perceive it #disclaimer) partially because of xer wardrobe, which was hardly form-fitting prior to the SHOCKING REVELATION; the hairstyle certainly helped.
Which reminds me; anyone want to take bets on how long it will be before Dillon notices that Angel has breasts?
I mentioned Dillon having the same reaction Ruby did when she first realized Angel's gender and you doubted someone who impersonates women as much as he does would be fooled. And now you think differently?

Re: 04-12-15 Sad little drama queen

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:19 pm
by IONDragonX
brasca wrote:Okay so Dillon was jealous of Zii and Jerzy's tryst, but he got over it quickly enough.
To be fair, he only found out three seconds ago. That and Zii has always been nice to him.

Re: 04-12-15 Sad little drama queen

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:39 pm
by brasca
There were a number of theories that this could destroy Dillon and Zii's relationship which I said was highly unlikely because he isn't that much of a drama queen to hold a one time romp with a boy he didn't even know then. I was ultimately right, but for a few seconds Dillon lived up to his status.

Re: 04-12-15 Sad little drama queen

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:18 pm
by Spidrift
brasca wrote:This is a brawl. Harpy and jezebel is not going to cut it.
"Bitch" would have served, sounding more than sufficiently harsh without sounding quite so judgemental. "Cow" might have served at a pinch...
brasca wrote:At any rate it is an inaccurate insult because even though Zii is promiscuous she would not have sex with someone to get something out of it.
She came close with Yvan, albeit on behalf of Gary...

But in any case, that's not really what "whore" means in a situation like this. It's just saying that somebody, usually female, is sexually profligate, and either that this is inherently bad, or that they make a point of doing it with people who they shouldn't, perhaps because they're committed to someone else. Which is still generally unfair to Zii, though a bit nearer the mark.

Incidentally, we say that anyone (except Ruby) using the word in these comics is likely a hypocrite as well as everything else, but it occurs to me that Angel is obsessive enough about Jerzy, and has known him for long enough, that it might not be hypocrisy in this case. Now, would an Angel who had never been to bed with anyone but Jerzy look creepy-obsessive or just self-controlled?
brasca wrote:I mentioned Dillon having the same reaction Ruby did when she first realized Angel's gender and you doubted someone who impersonates women as much as he does would be fooled. And now you think differently?
I don't know which post of mine you're talking about, but I can't believe that I said that Dillon wouldn't be fooled. We know for a fact that he has been; he's continually assumed that Angel was male, up until now.

What I may have said was that Dillon wouldn't act as loudly surprised as Ruby. Which is still largely true; surprised, yes, yelling, maybe not. Though the realisation that Jerzy has been screwing a woman may wibble his brain a little.

Re: 04-12-15 Sad little drama queen

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:36 pm
by brasca
Lack of an adam's apple should be a telltale sign, but considering that Dillon is probably too furious to think might keep him from making that observation.

I think it would be hilarious if he had the same reaction as Ruby, but unlikely since he's a normally good at reading people's bodies.

Re: 04-12-15 Sad little drama queen

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:51 pm
by Spidrift
Does anyone actually look hard at other people's Adam's apples and use them in forming gender categories? It's a clue when one is needed, and maybe I'm unobservant, but I think I might take days to pick up on this, if I got there at all.

Anyway, if Dillon is wildly surprised, it'll be for different reasons than Ruby. She's from a rather conventional background, and still getting her head around all this big city bohemian strangeness; the discovery that the person she'd been classing as a guy for days, and who'd been acting as a guy, was actually a girl, was in itself a shock to her system of categories. She got over the shock admirably fast, but for a moment there, her brain was crunching gears.

Dillon, on the other hand, is used to flexible categories and a bit of gender exoticism. If he discovered that a recent casual acquaintance who he'd taken for a he was actually a she, I imagine that he'd blink and then compliment them on their acting chops. However, he's been seeing Angel as a rival gay male, and he knows is in a restored sexual relationship there. That might give him cause to yelp. If he does display a delayed strong reaction, I'd expect him to mention Jerzy's name within a frame or two.

Re: 04-12-15 Sad little drama queen

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:46 pm
by brasca
Normally no, but if you are talking to someone androgynous and you don't want to accidentally insult them with the wrong pronoun it's a good way to avoid such a faux pas.

Re: 04-12-15 Sad little drama queen

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:14 pm
by cellabella
brasca wrote:There were a number of theories that this could destroy Dillon and Zii's relationship which I said was highly unlikely because he isn't that much of a drama queen to hold a one time romp with a boy he didn't even know then. I was ultimately right, but for a few seconds Dillon lived up to his status.
I was one of those who thought that this could drive a wedge between Dillon and Zii. I'm not at all pleased that he physically attacked her, and I'm not at all pleased that he "forgives" her. There's nothing to "forgive." Zii had no idea that a) Jerzy was in a "relationship" or b) that he would be with Dillon in the nearish future. Considering that Dillon was so enraged as to physically attack her, I'm a little surprised that he listened to reason on that. This also renews my suspicions that when and if he finds out that Didi and Matt were FWBs, there's going to be problems. Luckily for Didi, by the time that penny drops, she'll be the Canadian version of R Mika, probably.

I also don't agree with Angel's screed in panel 2. As was pointed out, Dillon didn't say boo about Matt's bisexuality beyond being surprised that he was until after he walked in on Sandra pegging him. Angel was open about wanting Jerzy, and Jerzy lied to Dillon both about the depth of that relationship and the show. Dillon could have handled it better, but Jerzy ultimately was responsible for telling Angel to back off. It's fair for Dillon to think Jerzy didn't do that because he was hedging his bets, since, indeed, Jerzy and Angel are together now. So Dillon's instincts were actually spot on. What he should have done was tell Jerzy to kick rocks instead of getting hysterical.

Re: 04-12-15 Sad little drama queen

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:49 pm
by brasca
Dillon strangling Zii is like so much else in the MA3 universe's Montreal... Played for laughs. Seriously Yuki would be arrested and institutionalized for her breakdowns.

Re: 04-12-15 Sad little drama queen

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:32 pm
by JTheCreator
JoybuzzerX wrote:First Sandra. Then Angel. Then Zii.

Dillion really has a thing for beating up women.
Not sure if I'm more surprised at how I never noticed this, or how much the community glanced over it. We all don't give it much thought cause Dillon's gay, but still. Jealousy isn't reason to assault a woman.