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Re: 18-03-13 On friendly terms

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 12:17 am
by Optimus Kate
Um, I love Dillon. Always have. Then again, he is almost exactly like one of my best friends, a man who stood in my wedding and who I talk to every single day of my life.

It confuses me too when people say he is a shallow one shot character because, as was previously mentioned, they kind of all are. I mean SOME (not much) character development has happened to characters who have had a lot more screen time, but Dillon hasn't had the chance to develop so much. This comic is his chance. But you can't do a complete character change in a new comic... Look at how many people dislike the new Chloe in DC. It doesn't work to come out of left field from the beginning. So yeah, Dillon's gonna be the same dude he was in Ma3 because that's who we know. Give him time to develop. It's been, like, a week in SDB time, tops.

But he has developed a little bit. He's over Gary, he is still tender and scared of cheating partners, he has a life that isn't dependent on any man (he was fine before Jerzy)... that's kind of something, right?

I find this comic funnier than any of the other Pixie Trix strips, so I guess I am pretty biased. And a little drunk.

Re: 18-03-13 On friendly terms

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:14 am
by Nev
Spidrift wrote:And, well, if he's a camp gay stereotype, and some people find him amusing, then those people find a camp gay stereotype amusing. That's a syllogism, not a judgement on their taste.
Come on, don't backpedal. You said that unless you find a camp gay stereotype amusing, there's nothing else there. I only told you not to make know-it-all presumptions on what we do or do not see in this character. I just explained to you that the reasons I could have for liking Dillon are not limited to my being sufficiently amused by flamboyancy, that I don't consider him a flat character simply because he's played over the top like you do.

Re: 18-03-13 On friendly terms

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:00 am
by Hurbster
And now we have two camp gay stereotypes. Oh, the screaming and overreacting we have to look forward to....

Re: 18-03-13 On friendly terms

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:17 am
by Spidrift
Nev wrote:You said that unless you find a camp gay stereotype amusing, there's nothing else there.
Okay, reword what I said; if one finds a one-note screaming gay stereotype too tiresome to be amusing, then one will find Dillon a write-off. Because that's all I can see there, and that side of him is so overwhelming that any other subtleties get lost in the mix.

The guy's an annoying twit, without (for me) any hints of anything interesting to make it worth putting up with the annoyance. Though on consideration, I have to say that he's not entirely unique in the Ma3 universe in this. Gary is similarly if more quietly annoying in his myopic, unchanging geekery, and some of us are happy that the current Ma3 storyline has shifted away from him to less irritating characters for a while. The difference is that, once upon a time, Gary showed signs of something more - competence, quick wits, and the serious possibility of change. But frankly, it now seems that Gary is to geekishness what Dillon is to campness. Which is sad, but at least that comic has other major characters.

Perhaps this comic will expand Dillon a bit, make him less of a one-note character. Perhaps. But in rather more strips than it's taken Amber to show new concerns and a whole new family relationship, Dillon has just become more Dillon. So to me, the omens don't look good.

Re: 18-03-13 On friendly terms

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:54 am
by vampire hunter D
You're right about one thing. A ber is by far the more interwsting and developed character in this comic.

Re: 18-03-13 On friendly terms

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 3:29 pm
by Milnoc
Artemisia just described a friend of mine. Nice guy too, but sometimes I swear he lives in a musical.
And that musical is simply FAAAAABULOOOOOUS!!!

Sorry! Couldn't resist! :D

Re: 18-03-13 On friendly terms

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 4:31 am
by comic reader
just had to say this:
anyone else notice Jerzy's adorable face in the second panel? It's all: "I'm getting sum tonight!!"
couldn't help myself, sorry.