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Re: 08-02-12 Multitask like you

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:41 pm
by Artemisia
Red for love, yellow for friendship, blue for depression, green for money, orange for casual sex, purple for declaring war, black for mystery and clear for weirdness....

Re: 08-02-12 Multitask like you

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:43 pm
by Mr. Bee
*waves farewell to his Amber/Ruby fantasy. Sniff sniff* :(

But this does mean more Ruby though, so YAY. :D

Re: 08-02-12 Multitask like you

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:47 pm
by Artemisia
Yes...and Ruby needs a girlfriend STAT!

Re: 08-02-12 Multitask like you

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:52 pm
by Ravenhull
Well, Giz did say that the P&A, CCS and other similar cameos are not signs that they are the same universe, but that people who look just like them inhabit this universe too. Probably could say they are just this world's equivalent.

I'm still wondering what rating this strip has. No exposed boobies or such, but that one panel is a bit more than suggestive... Are we seeing the extent of the skin we should expect?

Re: 08-02-12 Multitask like you

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:01 pm
by Mr. Bee
I hope not. I wish to see a lot more of Ruby, if you catch my not so subtle drift. Though she needs to keep the glasses on, even in showers and such. Shush, don't tell me how impractical it is.

Re: 08-02-12 Multitask like you

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:13 pm
by Spidrift
I'd assume that SDB inherits the same rating as Ma3. Crossovers are likely, and readers from one are likely to be curious enough to want to look at the other; giving them different ratings would just cause petty irritation for people who actually pay attention to these things.

As for characters from one continuity existing in another - well, Marvel and DC each sometimes imply that the others' comics exist in their universes, as works of fiction. But then sometimes they sign contracts for big multiversal crossover stories, in which characters from one side may admit to knowing of the other lot as fictions, but usually don't. And there's also a tradition in alternate history fiction of having characters from our history show up in alternates, even if they were actually born centuries or millennia after the divergence point.

In other words, don't sweat it, you'll just get a headache.

Scenes to await: Ruby, alone at a loose end, discovers the box left behind by Gary, looks at the covers of the various contents, then sticks something from the box in the video player...

Her next line to Amber would be somewhat revealing of character and plot direction.

Double post merged. The DAMNed

Re: 08-02-12 Multitask like you

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:08 pm
by Chantelune
Artemisia wrote:Oh, shoot, I forgot that.

She should go back to black then because too much hair dye eventually fries your hair.
And incidentaly, it might have help distancing herself from her ex-porn-star status.

Chanelle as an interesting face here. Almost wild or something.

Re: 08-02-12 Multitask like you

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:19 pm
by Salty
I think the word you're looking for is "fierce".

And yes, I'm rather fond of this one. More complications. MORE!

Re: 08-02-12 Multitask like you

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:22 pm
by Spidrift
She's multi-tasking like crazy. Thinking about Amber's problem, reading the laptop screen, acting for the camera, having sex - it's not surprising if her expression gets a trifle odd.

Hmm. By the way, am I the only person who suspects that he'll find this comic quite fun so long as the title character is off screen?

Re: 08-02-12 Multitask like you

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:23 pm
by zaprzapb
Mr. Bee wrote:I hope not. I wish to see a lot more of Ruby, if you catch my not so subtle drift. Though she needs to keep the glasses on, even in showers and such. Shush, don't tell me how impractical it is.
I agree. We need to see some Ruby fanservice at some point and keeping her glasses on is a must. And if Gary and Ruby do meet at some point in a crossover arc I'm afraid the shipping will reach epidemic proportions.

Re: 08-02-12 Multitask like you

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:29 pm
by Mr. Bee
*hides blueprints for a luxury liner called the RubyGary and waves off other bee ship builders* Huh? Shipping? Those two? NAAAAAAAAAH

Re: 08-02-12 Multitask like you

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:45 pm
by Don Alexander
Mr. Bee wrote:*waves farewell to his Amber/Ruby fantasy. Sniff sniff* :(
Say goodbye to one fantasy... Say hello to another! :-bd

*runs and hides from the pitchfork-wielding masses*
Artemisia wrote:Yes...and Ruby needs a girlfriend STAT!
Actually, Ruby is pretty much asexual right now. Masturbation is a sin before God, and she is expecting her parents to introduce her to a good Christian husband some years in the future, but right now... Pfui!

(And that makes exactly as much sense as your perpetual lesbification of everything female. :P )
Spidrift wrote:I'd assume that SDB inherits the same rating as Ma3. Crossovers are likely, and readers from one are likely to be curious enough to want to look at the other; giving them different ratings would just cause petty irritation for people who actually pay attention to these things.
My feeling is "Dahling" are keeping the rating open for now. I asked about it right at the beginning of the comic and was my question was completely ignored. Shou in general seems less willing to do R-rated stuff (at least my impression) so they seem to be generally keeping this on a PG-13 level, without totally fixating themselves, just in case they DO want to draw that strip that's much more awesome in R...

Generally, none of the other comics did NOT immediately have a visible rating. All *C comics were immediately marked PG-13, and Ma3 R - also on the little thumbnail links. You'll notice SDB is not noted R.
Spidrift wrote:She's multi-tasking like crazy. Thinking about Amber's problem, reading the laptop screen, acting for the camera, having sex - it's not surprising if her expression gets a trifle odd.
I'm actually quite puzzled by this. are they actually shooting?? Why the hell is she on the phone with a friend during a shot? Is the camera just, erm, off to the left and they redub the audio later on anyway?
Spidrift wrote:Hmm. By the way, am I the only person who suspects that he'll find this comic quite fun so long as the title character is off screen?
Absolutely not. Make me +1. you know my opinion of Dillon.

Re: 08-02-12 Multitask like you

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:00 pm
by Chantelune
I might not be as familiar with porn than some people here, but I kind of doubt her face (or even top half, seeing how she's still clothed) would be the focus of the camera, so...

and yeah, fierce is fitting. :p

Re: 08-02-12 Multitask like you

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:06 pm
by Spidrift
Even high-end non-porn movies may sometimes attach a separately recorded soundtrack to some shots, and I can quite imagine a porn director deciding that it's easier to record the grunting , squelching, and slapping noises later. So yeah, Chanelle is just filming some routine visual fills here. Her co-star may have to be working a bit harder, but so long as her lower half is where it's needed, the rest of her can be doing what it likes.

Re: 08-02-12 Multitask like you

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:04 pm
by Spidrift
Don Alexander wrote:Actually, Ruby is pretty much asexual right now. Masturbation is a sin before God, and she is expecting her parents to introduce her to a good Christian husband some years in the future, but right now... Pfui!

(And that makes exactly as much sense as your perpetual lesbification of everything female. :P )
Marginally more, in my book. People who refrain from sex before marriage are probably statistically about as common as lesbians, to a very rough approximation, I would guess - and Ruby's body language and visual style suggests repression and disapproval.