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17-06-14 Most important person

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:17 am
by Shouri

Re: 17-06-14 Most important person

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:41 am
by brasca
While Jerzy's a good friend I think he's going a little too far with that "most important person in his life." That's the kind of thing that makes Angel think there is still a chance of getting back together.

That being said Dillon is in no position to judge considering the evidence there and known only to Matt and Ruby.

Re: 17-06-14 Most important person

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:43 am
by TheEighth
Maybe Dillon should've just said that Zii invited him.

And that the drag was a part of a acting exercise.

But no....that would require conscious thought from Dillon, and with him there's no room for that where romance is involved.

Re: 17-06-14 Most important person

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:44 am
by Spidrift
Yup, as I guessed - no follow-through here on Ruby's uncomfortable realisation, because that would make the comic too serious. (I'd also say it'd make it too talky, but actually the story is getting pretty talky anyway.) It's possible that Ruby is having a minor breakdown off-screen, but that would make Dillon far too crappy a person - running out on a friend at her worst moment. More likely, she's just banging her head against a concrete pillar in frustration at Dillon's stupidity. All that trouble and embarrassment for her to support his idiot disguise scheme, and he blows it at the first serious provocation. There is now nobody she knows in the entire city at whom she will not feel entitled to be angry - except Matt, until she guesses that he was laughing at her, and Minew, who at this rate has probably crapped on her pillow while she's been out.

Of course, the wildcard in this strip is Amber picking up on the scene in panel 4. Presumably, her job in the plot is to salvage things for Dillon in the next few strips. Everybody in that group spends their time enabling everybody else's stupidity. Which reminds me; this sequence has indeed revealed Jerzy's big fault; he's an effing moron with regard to Angel.

Anyhow, I guess that the other interesting thing here will be if Ruby wades also in for some reason. Logically, one would expect her to stay clear, to avoid the risk of being recognised by Amber - but she was looking quite angry last strip, and someone might say something that sets her off

Re: 17-06-14 Most important person

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:11 am
by brasca
Spidrift wrote:Yup, as I guessed - no follow-through here on Ruby's uncomfortable realisation, because that would make the comic too serious. (I'd also say it'd make it too talky, but actually the story is getting pretty talky anyway.) It's possible that Ruby is having a minor breakdown off-screen, but that would make Dillon far too crappy a person - running out on a friend at her worst moment. More likely, she's just banging her head against a concrete pillar in frustration at Dillon's stupidity.
To be quite honest I think even if Dillon was there for Ruby he'd probably make it worse. And I really don't think this latest revelation has her that shaken. I think the realization a professor she admired duped her into wearing a skirt that let her get a good peep was worse for her psyche. She was just a kid when she thought Amber and Zii were playing house so it's a reasonable assumption for a child to make. Now if she theorizes that Zii was the influence that lead her sister to porn her momentary sadness could turn to anger quickly enough.

Re: 17-06-14 Most important person

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:17 am
by TheResult
I really hope Amber doesn't save Dillon. I hope Jerzy takes him outside, yells at him, and makes him realize how foolish he's being. Stalking Jerzy was creepy and obsessive, possessive, and his (public) outburst was so completely unnecessary. Of course Angel is more important to Jerzy than Dillon is-- he's known him for way, way longer than he's known Dillon. Even if they're dating, that shouldn't be a surprise to anybody. If I date a girl for a year and she asks me if she's more important to me than my brothers or my best friend of 5 years, I'll look her dead in the eyes like she's stupid.

You have to earn being the most important to somebody else, and you sure as Hell don't get there by having sex with them a couple of times and being a possessive nutjob.

Re: 17-06-14 Most important person

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:18 am
by themacnut
Ah Jerzy, you stupid himbo - you walked right into Angel's trap. And Dillon's for that matter.

Though I supposed I might be a little too harsh on him, considering he apparently does not see Angel's manipulations as clearly as other people might, and plus he sees Angel as a friend in need of comfort. And yeah I agree that Amber's about to step in and salvage this for Dillon, much as he doesn't deserve the help. Which would be another reason for Ruby to quietly exit stage left and be gone by the time Dillon remembers he's supposed to be with her, seeing as she doesn't want to be recognized and also probably does not want to face her sister after last comic's uncomfortable revelation.

Re: 17-06-14 Most important person

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:19 am
by crimzontearz
Ruby's reactions are of no consequence right now (she is almost as annoying as Dillon)

all that matters is to watch the chaos unfold and hope for pain and suffering MWHAHAHAH

Re: 17-06-14 Most important person

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:32 am
by majek
TheResult wrote:I really hope Amber doesn't save Dillon. I hope Jerzy takes him outside, yells at him, and makes him realize how foolish he's being. Stalking Jerzy was creepy and obsessive, possessive, and his (public) outburst was so completely unnecessary. Of course Angel is more important to Jerzy than Dillon is-- he's known him for way, way longer than he's known Dillon. Even if they're dating, that shouldn't be a surprise to anybody. If I date a girl for a year and she asks me if she's more important to me than my brothers or my best friend of 5 years, I'll look her dead in the eyes like she's stupid.

You have to earn being the most important to somebody else, and you sure as Hell don't get there by having sex with them a couple of times and being a possessive nutjob.
Wait what? Why should an obsessive "friend", who wants something from you that you don't intend to give, be more important than your current partner? No matter how long you've known that friend, that's crazy.

Re: 17-06-14 Most important person

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:43 am
by TheResult
It's not crazy at all. First of all, both the friend (NOT in quotations-- Angel is Jerzy's friend) and the partner are obsessive, so if that's supposed to be a mark against Angel, it's definitely a mark against Dillon, too. Second of all, just because that person can't take a hint, it doesn't change what they mean to you, and have meant to you for years. While Angel might still want something from Jerzy that he's not willing to give, he's obviously never crossed any boundaries with Jerzy that he wasn't comfortable with.. For example, stalking him, such as Dillon is doing and Jerzy does not seem to like.

"Your current partner" does not mean "the most important person in your life".

Quote removed. The DAMNed

Re: 17-06-14 Most important person

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:03 am
by Spidrift
brasca wrote:To be quite honest I think even if Dillon was there for Ruby he'd probably make it worse.
Very possibly. Still, I guess that I'd give him points for trying. Plus, Ruby could do with the sense that she has friends, even if they are incompetent idiots.
brasca wrote:And I really don't think this latest revelation has her that shaken. I think the realization a professor she admired duped her into wearing a skirt that let her get a good peep was worse for her psyche.
She handled that better than should really have been possible, actually. Mostly she's a comedy character rather than a tragic figure, but to work as a comedy character she has to be surprisingly resilient. Conversely, I'm currently going largely by her expressions in the last strip, though that could be a mistake; she looks really rather annoyed. And Giz is usually careful with expressions.
brasca wrote:Now if she theorizes that Zii was the influence that lead her sister to porn her momentary sadness could turn to anger quickly enough.
If she bothers. I'm not sure that she'll bother being judgemental at Amber or Zii over the sex - I think she's given that up as a bad job. She may be a little annoyed over the lying, because she's clearly not somebody who's comfortable over that. But what I think is really getting to her is the feeling that she may have been stupid, and worse, that Amber and Zii were probably laughing at her back then. She values the sense of her own intelligence, and she generally tries to stand on her dignity. The idea that Zii and Amber saw her as a stupid kid, and were probably laughing at things she said while they ... did what they did, will really be stinging just now.

That's the source of a lot of her problems, really; she wants to think that she's smarter than these people, but she's acutely aware that they may think she's ridiculous. She really does need to hear that "It Gets Better" speech from somebody, but there's nobody around just now qualified to give it.
TheResult wrote:I really hope Amber doesn't save Dillon. I hope Jerzy takes him outside, yells at him, and makes him realize how foolish he's being. Stalking Jerzy was creepy and obsessive, possessive, and his (public) outburst was so completely unnecessary. Of course Angel is more important to Jerzy than Dillon is-- he's known him for way, way longer than he's known Dillon.
The problem isn't whether Jerzy values Angel higher than Dillon, really; it's that Jerzy does such a sentimental, moronic, incompetent job of handling Angel. Remember, Angel has told him to his face that Angel hasn't given up on their sexual relationship, will pay no attention to what Jerzy has said on that subject, and will happily sabotage his other relationships to get Jerzy back. That's scary bunny-boiler levels of obsession. Even if Jerzy wants to continue hanging out with Angel, he should be doing everything possible to snap Angel out of this attitude. Instead, he encourages it. Moronic.
themacnut wrote:Though I supposed I might be a little too harsh on him, considering he apparently does not see Angel's manipulations as clearly as other people might, and plus he sees Angel as a friend in need of comfort.
Well, that makes Jerzy so stupid that a little harshness may be justified.
themacnut wrote:And yeah I agree that Amber's about to step in and salvage this for Dillon, much as he doesn't deserve the help. Which would be another reason for Ruby to quietly exit stage left and be gone by the time Dillon remembers he's supposed to be with her, seeing as she doesn't want to be recognized and also probably does not want to face her sister after last comic's uncomfortable revelation.
Quite possibly - though if Ruby just vanishes for the remainder of this strip, it'll seem a bit sudden. But anyway, she may be feeling irritated enough just now - at Dillon's stupidity, and at the sense of having been laughed at - that it's just possible that something will set her off - if, say, Amber says something about loyalty.

Re: 17-06-14 Most important person

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:32 am
by vampire hunter D
Ok, just read Ma3 #900. Love how this one feeds into that conclusion.

Re: 17-06-14 Most important person

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:52 am
by Spidrift
Though they've got a little out of synch; that Ma3 strip may be a bit of a spoiler for this comic, assuming that the very clear hints about events aren't misleading.

Which said, and thoroughly embracing the spoiler - a little spacing follows for the sensitive ...

The hint seems to be that Amber doesn't save Dillon from the consequences of his own stupidity, at least not fully, and he goes home alone and crying. Boo hoo. Well, Dillon wants to be alone, but Ruby has nowhere else to sleep, so even though she gets a bed to herself for once, she'll be the one stuck with the sounds of Dillon's tragedy coming through the walls.

Now, for all her spikiness, Ruby admits that she prefers to try to help people when they need it - and she hates hearing Dillon cry. She'll probably first ask him if he's faking it, mind you - he's cried wolf before now - and she isn't used to talking gay guys through relationship traumas, but she may not let Dillon have the solitude he's demanding from Amber. That could get to be an interestingly weird dramatic scene.

Bonus points if the first time Ruby wakes up in the morning next to a guy, it's Dillon. Double bonus points if Andy then finds out and gets jealous.

Re: 17-06-14 Most important person

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:55 am
by brasca
crimzontearz wrote:Ruby's reactions are of no consequence right now (she is almost as annoying as Dillon)

all that matters is to watch the chaos unfold and hope for pain and suffering MWHAHAHAH
Given what was just revealed at Menage a 3 your wish is likely to be granted.
TheResult wrote:I really hope Amber doesn't save Dillon. I hope Jerzy takes him outside, yells at him, and makes him realize how foolish he's being.
Or she could just bail on him completely to temporarily bunk with Gary. At least Ruby will temporarily get the bed to herself.

Re: 17-06-14 Most important person

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:15 pm
by Spidrift
But also the sound of Dillon's drama through the walls. I really think we're about to see how well Ruby can handle being good.