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19-06-15 He was an angel

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:58 am
by Shouri

Re: 19-06-15 He was an angel

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:02 am
by wiseguy

Re: 19-06-15 He was an angel

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:03 am
by Azrael
sdb20150619.png (119.21 KiB) Viewed 11114 times

Re: 19-06-15 He was an angel

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:35 am
by Don Alexander
Only relevant question?

To Gay or not to Gay???

Re: 19-06-15 He was an angel

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:37 am
by TheMole
They ruined all our best names like Bruce, and Lance, and Julian. Those were the toughest names we had! Now they're just, uh...

Re: 19-06-15 He was an angel

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:10 am
by Spidrift
What was it with the genetics of Dillon's home town? Did the local Y-chromosone code for "hunky"? And does this comic really need yet another new character for Dillon and Ruby to lech over, or is Julian going to be a one-strip throwaway joke character?

Actually, assuming that Julian isn't just yet another potential boyfriend/lust object for Dillon, I can see one possible plot function for him; he is from back home - which means that he may know local news and gossip. It's just possible that we're going to get a reveal about Ray's secret background. Or maybe it's just that Julian is going to to be plain vanilla straight, or even slightly homophobic, and Dillon is about to have a disappointing/uncomfortable conversation. You never know.

I do rather hope that he has some plot function beyond being the third leg of yet another a Dillon/Ruby/hunky guy joke. There are a lot of things to be done with the established characters; any additions really need justification. And also, I kind of hope that Dillon doesn't move towards some kind of romance with Julian, simply because he knew him well when he was a kid. Romances between two people, one of whom remembers the other when they were a cute pre-pubertal child, always have a slightly dubious taste for me, whether they come up in Jane Austen or Webcomics. Doesn't the older character still see the younger as too young?

Meanwhile, two details of note in panel 1. First, there's Amber trying to do conventional boyfriend/girlfriend things with Ray, like going for a walk in the park, and not just banging his brains out all day and all night; she's working at this. And second, there's Ruby's bemusement at Ray's reaction to the pictures. My guess at this point (and this is almost certainly trying too hard) is that she convinced herself that Ray (and Dillon) wouldn't mind her sneaking these pics; after all, most of the people she's met in Montreal have been insanely open about their private lives. But she knew at heart that she was being a little impertinent there. So having Ray be cool about the pictures would have been a small relief; she'd guessed right. Having him then thank her for them, and ask to repeat the exercise, was a huge bonus; she's not used to friendship or praise, and getting it in this sort of situation is downright confusing for her.

Lastly, what day of the week is this supposed to be? By my estimation, looking at the sequence of events at the Saturday club gig, it must be a Tuesday - but everyone is acting as though it's a weekend again. The only way I can make that fit is is there were actually several days between the second kissing lesson and Amber's next date with Ray, during which nobody did anything much.

Re: 19-06-15 He was an angel

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:15 am
by lordoffiling
... Ruby is Zii. She just doesn't know it yet.

Re: 19-06-15 He was an angel

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:22 am
by Spidrift
It seems to be fairly easy to be Zii in Ma3 Montreal. If you're not hideous and you're interested, the opportunities just queue themselves up. Ruby just has to finish admitting to herself that she's interested.

Re: 19-06-15 He was an angel

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 11:04 am
by Cortez
Julian looks to be above legal age, so Dillon can list after him now and he probably will.

Re: 19-06-15 He was an angel

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 11:28 am
by Fluffy
Would anyone else find it just a little bit creepy for Dillon to start lusting after a kid he used to babysit?

I mean, yeah - Julian seems to be of legal age (why does he look older than Dillon?), but really - depending how old Julian was when Dillon was minding him, it would be super weird to have Dillon forget the child he used to watch over and start lusting after him.

That could be just me,though.

Re: 19-06-15 He was an angel

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 11:59 am
by Spidrift
It's not just you. Like I said, some of us get exactly the same feeling when Jane Austen heroines fall for and marry the dashing, rich, older men who talk about what cute children they once were.*

It's not illegal; if Dillon starts leching after Julian, nobody's going to arrest him. But yeah, it would seem just a bit weird.

As to Julian's appearance; he looks older than Dillon because (a) he's markedly taller, which isn't anything to do with age with adults but you try telling our instincts that, and (b) he's cultivated some designer stubble, which grants fake maturity, especially in a comic where most males are very clean-shaven. And Dillon is smooth-skinned and boyish. If this was photography rather than line art, we'd probably see more subtle cues to tell us that Dillon was older.

Funnily enough, though, Julian ends up resembling the only other designer stubble victim in these comics - Yvan. Especially as they both go for the blow wave look and Julian is solidly hunky while Yvan is overweight. In fact...
Yvan_Julian.png (16.19 KiB) Viewed 10922 times
Separated at birth?

Last off - am I the only reader finding Ruby's 45-degree slope, semi-jazz-hands posture in the last panel weird?

*Looking at photos of my partner when she was a child freaks me out just a very little, too. And let's not talk about how True Blood makes it impossible to watch The Piano without feeling faintly wrong.

Re: 19-06-15 He was an angel

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 12:25 pm
by brasca
Fluffy wrote:Would anyone else find it just a little bit creepy for Dillon to start lusting after a kid he used to babysit?

I mean, yeah - Julian seems to be of legal age (why does he look older than Dillon?), but really - depending how old Julian was when Dillon was minding him, it would be super weird to have Dillon forget the child he used to watch over and start lusting after him.

That could be just me,though.
It would be legal, but weird and Dillon probably will not go there since Zii did not display any attraction for Ruby and had some hesitation about getting involved with Isabel even though she is legal and unrelated to her past. However, Julian is probably the same age as Ruby so this could be another potential romantic interest for her.

I know Ruby's excuse not to leave is a joke, but I am curious to know what time of year it is. Given the pace of the storytelling which is related to Menage a 3 it should be autumn.

Re: 19-06-15 He was an angel

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 12:33 pm
by Spidrift
Is humidity (as opposed to actual temperature) a problem in Montreal in autumn?

(Regarding Zii and Ruby... Yeah, remembering her as "Little Ruby Larose" probably damped out any impulse to lechery there, though there's also the fact that Zii's gaydar is pretty good, and Ruby's "Straight In Every Way" aura probably extends five miles from her body. But I'm not sure that Dillon has quite the same sense of ... subtle propriety ... as Zii.)

Re: 19-06-15 He was an angel

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 1:52 pm
by Milkmaid79
New meat for Ruby's fantasy grinder?

Re: 19-06-15 He was an angel

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 3:59 pm
by Razmos
Or, or, Ruby (and the audience) might totally be expecting Dillon to lust over Julian, and the funny thing is that he DOESN'T and completely doesn't see Julian in that way, much to Ruby's frustration, and SHE tries to make things happen.