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2018-07-24 Wait! Yes it is!!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 5:41 am
by Eisu

Re: 2018-07-24 Wait! Yes it is!!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 5:47 am
by sparky
"Didi, I've been having a really crazy dream! I was a successful model in Paris with a hot boyfriend! I had to move into an apartment with someone I hated, and had a dream that Gary came to visit! I suddenly became bisexual for no apparent reason, and the bf dumped me! There was one woman, she gave me a necklace and then there was parkour! Yes, PARKOUR! So, what have you been up to?"

Re: 2018-07-24 Wait! Yes it is!!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 5:58 am
by brasca
I think I’m more perplexed as to how Sandra still has her old apartment. Who’s been paying the rent all this time?

Re: 2018-07-24 Wait! Yes it is!!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 6:28 am
by rogermart
rogermart wrote:
Mon Aug 06, 2018 4:11 am
Maybe Zoe knows already that Eva is behind the Marie situation and she is planning a counterattack...
Or maybe it's just to decide how are they going to handle Sandra without losing her...
Or maybe is to toss her on the next flight to Montreal... well, anything can happen :-?
Well, I got one of my 3 possibilities right. :D

I'm with brasca, who's been paying rent? Domenico met Sandra in Brazil, Senna would be dead before doing that... Didi? I don't think so, Matt? to cheat on Yuki in that apt without her finding out? Possible, but nahhhhh... Gary? Dark Matter Games? Eva? :ymdevil:

So now that Sandra is back in Montreal I have to ask again: Is this the comic's 2-minute warning?...

So contingency plan 37-B is to drug the model and send her out of the country? there must be something else to this plan...

BTW nice to see Tracy and Becca drawed by Eisu.

Re: 2018-07-24 Wait! Yes it is!!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 6:30 am
by Osaru Sensei

Re: 2018-07-24 Wait! Yes it is!!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 6:59 am
by Mordhaus

Re: 2018-07-24 Wait! Yes it is!!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 7:03 am
by LegendaryKroc
Well, this is a surprise twist and no mistake. Where'd they get this from, eh? Is Sandra's return to Montreal necessary to the wrap-up of MA3, or is this the writer just throwing his hands up and saying, "Screw it! I don't know how to resolve all the hanging plot threads in this side comic! Let's just torch the thing and bring Sandra back to the main series!" perhaps?

By the way, if anyone's wondering who Becca is, she's the straight-haired blonde in these comics. Don't feel bad, I had to check myself.

Re: 2018-07-24 Wait! Yes it is!!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 7:15 am
by vampire hunter D
LegendaryKroc wrote:
Mon Aug 13, 2018 7:03 am
...... or is this the writer just throwing his hands up and saying, "Screw it! I don't know how to resolve all the hanging plot threads in this side comic! Let's just torch the thing and bring Sandra back to the main series!" perhaps?
Considering the rushed way MC was ended, I think that may be what they're doing

Re: 2018-07-24 Wait! Yes it is!!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 7:59 am
by RConrad
If this really is the end of the comic, then color me disappoint.

But until we know for certain, I'm gonna hold my breath and see where this goes. It just seems so out of left field to return her to Montreal, unless Zoe finally realized that Sandra was going to be -that- much of a problem

Re: 2018-07-24 Wait! Yes it is!!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 8:10 am
by Cortez
brasca wrote:
Mon Aug 13, 2018 5:58 am
I think I’m more perplexed as to how Sandra still has her old apartment. Who’s been paying the rent all this time?
I was about to say. I'm surprised she didn't sell it.

Re: 2018-07-24 Wait! Yes it is!!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:34 am
by otaku247
Doubt this is reboot/dream scenario, but man if not then that contingency plan is a harsh solution to a simple problem. Of course it's for the lols but even with Sandra being more than a complete jerk when drunk it's more cruel to forcibly deport her away from the people she has made friends with and who genuinely care enough (even if they were angry and upset) and would have wanted to support her through the crisis her actions have caused.
Sure explanations and resolutions are incoming but this development smacks a lot of taking a sledgehammer to crack eggs.

Re: 2018-07-24 Wait! Yes it is!!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:30 am
by Spidrift
Claiming "it was all just a dream" or whatever would be arbitrary silliness off the scale, even by Pixietrix's standards, and wasn't in any way prefigured, so I'd rule that out. And if Sandra was simply sacked and tossed out of Paris to end the series, well, even aside from all the other characters who need some kind of conclusion, one imagines that the agency would be more likely just to dump her at the airport with a one-way ticket than faff about like this...

No, this is Plan 37-B in some kind of weird operation. The only thing I can imagine offhand is that the intention is to make Sandra see that she has a simple choice -- play by the rules or forget the modelling job and everything that goes with it. So if she wants the fun and prestige of Paris, she'll have to return chastened and apologetic. It's an expensive way to make the point, but Domenico doesn't seem to regard money as an object to much. It's flaky and too damn wacky, but hey, SotR, wottchagonnadoo?

Re: 2018-07-24 Wait! Yes it is!!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 11:49 am
by dmra
Or maybe the creators just wanted a challenge and decided to try to jump a shark bigger than the one in Jason Statham's latest flick. More nostalgically maybe they wanted to emulate the "Many Happy Returns" episode of "The Prisoner" where no 6 returns to his London flat.

More prosaically you do have to wonder how the agency managed to get Sandra from Paris to Canada and into her flat without anybody noticing the unconscious woman or how long she was drugged before they managed to do it and let's be grateful that all she has to show for it is a headache.

Re: 2018-07-24 Wait! Yes it is!!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 12:07 pm
by Itrogash
Did they interrupt her video game gig just like that? Isn't that a breach of contact? Wouldn't Dark Matter be screwed without their main model? If Sandra is really back to Montreal for good it would be super far-fetched for me.

Re: 2018-07-24 Wait! Yes it is!!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 12:25 pm
by Spidrift
dmra wrote:
Mon Aug 13, 2018 11:49 am
More prosaically you do have to wonder how the agency managed to get Sandra from Paris to Canada and into her flat without anybody noticing the unconscious woman or how long she was drugged before they managed to do it and let's be grateful that all she has to show for it is a headache.
I think that we just have to assume that Domenico is a mage of the Cult of Ecstacy, and Tatiana is a renegade woman in black, and they have methods.

I like the idea that this is a Prisoner tribute, but they'd have to have built a damn big stage set.